Tag Archives: silver foliage
Foliage for June GBFD.
The garden is now, in this month of June, filled with flowers of all description, but if we stop for a while, we can see that foliage still has a large part to play in the garden, even if it … Continue reading
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Tagged deciduous foliage, evergreen foliage, gold foliage, june foliage, purple foliage, silver foliage
Foliage for May GBFD.
Foliage at this time of year is putting on such a spurt of growth, some need cutting back and some need tying in, whatever it is you can’t ignore it or you would have a garden that quickly becomes out … Continue reading
Posted in News
Tagged deciduous foliage, evergreen foliage, Ferns, May foliage, new foliage, silver foliage, variegated foliage, yellow foliage
June Foliage for GBFD.
As well as all the beautiful flowers that are out at the moment, the foliage just gets better and better . Not just evergreens, golds and silvers, but there are purples, bronze, peach and lots of shades in between. Texture … Continue reading
Posted in News
Tagged bronze foliage, contrasting foliage, evergreens, foliage, gold foliage, june foliage, silver foliage