Monthly Archives: May 2013
Big, bold and beautiful.
Not everyone’s favourite, I know and even considered a bit old fashioned by some, but rhododendrons and azaleas are coming into flower, all guns blazing! They certainly aren’t shy, retiring plants, their bright colours can be seen from a great … Continue reading
I had a Dream…….
A few nights ago I had a dream and in my dream I was improving the planting in the gravel area round the back of the house which is, to put it mildly, a bit boring.
So many shades of Green. GBFD.
It’s amazing how the garden and surrounding countryside has changed in the last month. There are now so many different shades of green delighting us as well as other colours of foliage. Driving round the lanes here, the beech leaves … Continue reading
Molly the Witch
By March 22nd things were beginning to happen in the front border that showed that Molly was on the move once more. The “molly” I’m referring to is Paeonia mlokosewitschii, commonly known as Molly the Witch. When the leaves first … Continue reading
Scilly sunsets.
This is the last post from me about the Scillies. We were lucky with the weather on a few days while we were away and the good weather lasted into the evenings with some wonderful sunsets. Having dinner each night … Continue reading
Bath time, but not for pheasants.
You may remember a previous post that I did about planting up an old tin bath with tulips and pansies. The idea was to provide the tulips with nice well drained soil, which I just don’t have in the garden … Continue reading
Scilly wild flowers.
As you can imagine, wild flowers are everywhere on all the Scilly islands, no matter which one we visited, they were everywhere. Some are garden escapees that are now spreading wherever they can get a foothold and are now considered … Continue reading
Garden abundance.
I thought I would catch up with the garden before showing the photos of the wild flowers in the Scillies. When we got back, the difference in the garden was amazing, blossom and an explosion of flowers everywhere. New growth … Continue reading