Tag Archives: October foliage
Colour changes in a mixed bag.
Ever so slowly, the colours are changing in the garden. Each day when looking out of the window, sees a slight shift from green to more gold, with a few purples and reds thrown in for good measure. The colours … Continue reading
Changing colours.
Each day brings new colours to the foliage in the garden. But each day brings more wind and rain, which brings more leaves down as soon as they have been swept up, it is never ending at this time of … Continue reading
Colours of Autumn. GBFD October 2016.
The sunny, cold spell we had a week ago has certainly helped to develop the autumnal colours which are now in the garden. Some leaves unfortunately have shrivelled and dropped early with the long spell of dry weather that we … Continue reading
October Foliage, change is on it’s way.
Sunny days and cold nights are the trigger for the autumn tints to start. Some of my trees and bushes are still waiting, I suppose the night time temperatures have to drop a little further before the chlorophyll switches off. … Continue reading