Category Archives: Fritillaria meleagris
Six on Saturday. 23.03.24
At last we have had a couple of dry days and today has started off well with lovely sunshine. Yesterday I actually made it up to the top of the garden! The grass was still very soft and I hope … Continue reading
Six on Saturday. 16.3.24
We are still having more showers, some quite torrential, more flooding which is taking its time to clear, I’m just wondering how long it will be before the garden dries out properly. The plants however just keep on coming, more … Continue reading
Six on Saturday. 24.2.2024
Rain, rain and more rain, when will it all stop? Parts of the garden are flooded once more and I know will take a long time to dry out again, but parts of the garden that aren’t flooded are carrying … Continue reading
Six on Saturday. 8.4.23.
This week has been a great improvement, weatherwise. We’ve had lots of sunshine, a few gentle showers, warmer temperatures, in fact good gardening weather for a change. My flood is drying up and blossom is coming on the trees and … Continue reading
It’s Snakeshead fritillary time!
For those of you who have been with me for a long time, know that each year at this time, I do a post purely about Fritillaria meleagris or Snakedhead fritillaries.
Six on Saturday. 1.4.23.
At the risk of sounding very boring, we have had another week of non stop rain, parts of the garden have been under water for months now and are looking rather sorry for themselves, other parts are relishing it all … Continue reading
Six on Saturday. 26. 03. 22.
What a difference a week makes, a week of lovely warm sunshine. So much is now pushing up and starting to flower, but flowers that have been with me for a while are suddenly going over with all the unexpected … Continue reading
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Normally I would start with the good, but not in this case. I think I’ll start with the bad, then the ugly and end on a high with the good. When I went into the woodland this morning I was … Continue reading
Fritillary time is here again!
Snakeshead fritillary or Fritillaria meleagris are once again the stars of the woodland for a few weeks Drifts of snowdrops have given way to drifts of narcissus and now these are handing over the baton to the fritillaries.
March 17th. St. Patrick’s on time.
Just a quick little post. Narcissus St. Patrick’s Day has opened on time this year, if anything he was a little early, which doesn’t often happen. Last year he was 2 weeks late but this year the warm weather we … Continue reading