Six on Saturday 23.04.2022

Another week has passed, another week of sunshine with one or two showers, but not enough showers to keep plants happy that I have just planted, so its out with the watering can once more. Lots more plants are starting to flower so my six for this week are as follows……..

No 1 Anemone nemerosa Vestal

Always my last wood anemone to flower, the double Anemone nemorosa Vestal is now taking over from its single cousins. These are spreading around quite a lot, but down into the path in the woodland where they will be trodden on, more moving needed when flowering is over.

No 2  Prunus

Another little Prunus shrub, this time with white double flowers, which I will move to the rockery when flowering is over, I’m going to be busy! The name has gone in the mists of time so if anyone can help I would be very grateful and so would the people who wanted to know the name of the double pink one that I showed a while ago.

I think I’ve found which shrub it is!   I Googled “dwarf prunus shrub with double pink or white flowers” and the answer I got was for a dwarf flowering almond. Prunus glandulosa Rosea Plena, for the pink one and Prunus glandulosa Alba Plena for the white one. The photos look exactly like mine so I’m hoping that these are the names for my shrubs.

no 3  Japanese Azalea

Rhododendron and Azalea time has started once again so there will be quite a splash of colour for the next few weeks.

No 4  Meconopsis cambrica

Meconopsis cambrica has seeded into most of my shady borders where it brightens up the dark corners.

No 5  Narcissus Pipit

Narcissus Pipit has the most beautiful perfume and is almost my last narcissus to flower, but not quite, just one more waiting in bud to follow in a few days time.

No 6  Early breakfast visitor

This is the sight that greeted me at 6am on Thursday morning,  a Roe deer helping to prune the roses -followed by a side dish of Box chinese ginger jar!

He wandered round the circular lawn, then down by the field at the side until he saw me at the back door.

He was really beautiful, still in his winter coat, so a little shaggy, can see his new coat coming on his shoulder. He and I stared at each other for a long time until he eventually went back to the circular lawn and then with a hop, skip and a very graceful leap, he cleared the 4 ft Devon bank with a hedge on top at the back of the bog garden. That left me smiling for the rest of the day. Sorry, not a good photo!

There is never a dull moment in my garden, I wonder what will appear next!

These are my 6 for this week. Once again Thanks to Jon The Propagator for hosting, do pop over to see him to see what else is going on in the gardening world.

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10 Responses to Six on Saturday 23.04.2022

  1. Cathy says:

    How amazing to see the deer, even if its foraging brings you mixed feelings – are they infrequent visitors? The double wood anemone is so pretty and is something I keep meaning to add here.

    • Pauline says:

      I think they must be infrequent visitors as this is the first I have actually seen in 30 odd years. I only know they are about from when I see their footprints in the snow! The wood anemone is certainly pretty, but has now moved itself into the path so will have to be moved for its own safety.

  2. You did well to get a photo of the deer. Lets hope he doesn’t get a taste for your roses. I hope you find a name for your prunus because it is very pretty.

    • Pauline says:

      Thanks Catharine, just wish I’d focused it correctly! I know they have been before from footprints when we have had the odd snowstorm, not that we get much snow down here in the SW!

  3. Rosie says:

    A lovely deer, I hope it doesn’t come back too often and eat all your plants. I saw one in the woods on my walk this week on two consecutive days.

    • Pauline says:

      He is rather handsome isn’t he Rosie! I know they are around, we are just a few fields away from a nearby common where they are often seen and a nature reserve, which I’m sure they love. I haven’t noticed any real damage yet, fingers crossed, so hopefully we can stay friends!

  4. Denise says:

    The little Prunus is lovely Pauline…..well done in finding the name! I think I will get the rosea if the opportunity arises. Narcissus Pipit is also very pretty and your visitor so handsome.

    • Pauline says:

      I have to admit I do feel quite pleased with myself Denise, with finding out which Prunus my little shrub is. It took a while and I had to search quite a few websites but I got there in the end! Narcissus Pipit has a wonderful perfume and is one of my favourites.My visitor was very handsome, he is very welcome, but not too often and not if he is going to bring any friends!

  5. snowbird says:

    Lucky you getting a little rain, we haven’t had any for weeks now with none forecast for weeks either. Pleased you discovered the names of the shrubs! I love your yellow meconopsis, gorgeous colour. Oh my, what a splendid visitor, an encounter like that would have had me smiling all day

    • Pauline says:

      That was our last rain Dina, not a drop sice so I’m, out with the watering can each morning at about 6 am. Thought you might like my visitor, I’m happy for him to visit occasionally but hope he doesn’t bring lots of friends! My roses certainly got a prune, but I’m sure they will recover.x

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