Time for Molly

My “go to plant” at the moment is Peony mlokosewitchii which is by the front drive. For quite some time she has been in tight bud, then all of a sudden when we had a warm, sunny day, she opened, and now she is the first plant that I check on when I get up in the morning.

Such a lovely delicate yellow, the same colour as all the prinroses at its feet.

When she opens , it shows the wonderful mass of stamens that have been hiding for so long.

Open for business for any passing bee.

It didn’t take long!

The bees seem to stay for such a long time, they really wallow amongst all the stamens and get covered with pollen.

This is the second bud to open, soon they will all be welcoming the bees.

But isn’t she sensible, there was a bit of frost the other night and next morning, there she was, safely tucked away again to protect the pollen.

A really lovely plant which never lets me down, I know she is only in flower for a short time, but it is so worth it as the flowers are so beautiful. Molly the Witch has another moment of glory in the autumn when the seed pods burst open showing the amazing fuchsia pink seeds along with hopefully a few black ones which are the fertile ones.What is your “go to plant” at the moment?

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4 Responses to Time for Molly

  1. Denise says:

    Molly is so deserving of her own post, such beautiful flowers. My “go to plant” is rather limited at the moment as spring is only just started! But I think without doubt it would be the Hellebores.

    • Pauline says:

      I’m glad you agree Denise, that she deserves her own post, such a lovely lady. I’m so pleased that you are enjoying your hellebores, such worthy plants when not much else is flowering, I’m in the process of cutting mine back so that I don’t have seedlings everywhere!

  2. snowbird says:

    Goodness, what a beauty. Utterly delightful. I’d be checking her out every day too.xxx

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