Another sunny week has passed but with bitterly cold winds until yesterday when there was hardly any breeze at all, such a change, but still no rain. Hopefully we will have some rain tomorrow so I might get a rest from the watering can! Lots more flowers are opening, so my six are as follows.
no 1 Narcissus poeticus var recurvus

N. poeticus recurvus used to be called Old Pheasant Eye and I can see why it got its name! This is my last narcissus to flower.

A lovely flower with a beautiful perfume. I have been reading that they prefer a damp soil to flower well, maybe I need to move some of them!
No 2 Rhododendron Princess Anne

R. Princess Anne is flowering away on the rockery, almost more flowers than leaves at the moment., Such a nice pale primrose yellow colour which doesn’t clash with anything else around it.

Another rhododendron which is flowering at the moment was here before we were so I don’t have a name I’m afraid. It is suddenly getting taller, might have to do a bit of pruning.
No 3 Peony mlokosewitchii

P. mlokosewitchii is flowering by the front drive with a bee enjoying the nectar and pollen. I know I’ve just done a post about it, but I had to include it in my six!
No 4 Camassia leichtlinii

Camassia leichtlinii are now flowering by the rhododendrons, under my Amelanchier tree where they look rather pretty.
No 5 Viburnum plicatum Mariesii
No 6 Clematis Guernsey Cream
These are my six for this week. I have been able to do lots of weeding this last week, it has made such a difference to the borders, hopefully I will get more done over the Bank Holiday weekend, maybe we will all be doing the same!
Thanks go once more to Jon The Propagator for hosting, do pay him a visit to see what is going on in gardens around the world.
A wonderful selection – great contrast between flower and foliage in Rhododendron ‘Priness Anne’
Thanks Paddy, I think the foliage of R. Princess Anne might be because of the cold winds or maybe too much sun! I have another in a more sheltered spot and in more shade and the foliage is green.
Beautiful garden choices, Pauline. Rhododendron Princess Anne is quite striking! We’ve been dry here also for a couple weeks, promises of showers today seem to be fading so guess I’ll join you with the watering can.
I’m hoping not to have to get the watering can out tomorrow Susie, we have been promised rain and I will keep them to it! I have to admit though it is just the newly planted that I have been watering and my pots, the rest of the garden has to cope.
A great six. My Peonies are only thinking about bidding up.
Thanks Rosie, Molly is always my first peony to flower, the rest of mine are still forming buds, some may flower in a couple of weeks, but the rest will be later.
If Camassia need moist soil nobody told mine about it. They’re on top of a dry bank in full sun and are very happy, in marked contrast to my Paeonia mlokosewitchii which is pathetic. Could the Rhodo be ‘Percy Wiseman’?
I’ve googled Percy Wiseman Jim and it does look very like mine, many thanks! My Camassias need moving anyway as they are too tall under the Amelanchier, I will buy bulbs of the smaller variety in the autumn. I think Molly is very greedy, she does like a bit of fertiliser each year!
Sorry to hear about the bitterly cold winds – it was breezy here earlier in the week but cool rather than cold. But I am with you on the hoping for rain today, although I suspect it will pass us by… 🙄 Lovely to see your six – rhododendrons make such an impact, and the green coloring on Guernsey Cream is most appealing
Thank goodness the wind has dropped Cathy, it was so very cold! We have lovely gentle rain this morning and I think we had quite a bit overnight. I think the green colouring on Guernsey Cream might be because she is in rather a lot of shade, she looks nice on the arch though.
Oh I am so glad that you that you got that rain Pauline – I have just read your reply to Cathy’s comment. It was bone dry here but we did get some wet stuff yesterday evening and into the night. Molly is indeed absolutely bewitching!
The gentle rain stayed with us all day Anna and is still with us now which is good, I’m glad you got some too. Knowing that it was going to rain and I wouldn’t get any gardening done, I went and got my Covid booster jab instead! I now have a very sore arm so maybe not much gardening will be done today!
We are desperate for rain too, A few good soakings overnight would be great. I love that tiny narcissus. You have so many beautiful plants in your
We had lovely gentle rain for 2 days Dina and it has done the garden a power of good and me too with not having to water new plantings! The rain has made weeding easier so I was able to get a lot more done yesterday and hopefully more done today between the showers that are forecast.x