New foliage for Garden Bloggers Foliage Day.

While looking round for interesting foliage this month, it seemed as though the garden was static, at least in the foliage department, as it seemed very similar to last month. Even though we’ve had some sunny days, we have also had a lot of frost most nights, which might have had an influence on whether new leaves open up or not.

Viburnum plicatum Maresii

Viburnum plicatum Maresii

Lots of new buds on the viburnum, leaves as well as flowers, soon we will have the horizontal branches adorned and it will look beautiful.

Santolina Lemon Fizz was given a severe haircut a while ago, but seems ok. The foliage will brighten up when we have more sunshine!

Santolina Lemon Fizz was given a severe haircut a while ago, but seems ok. The foliage will brighten up when we have more sunshine!

Actinidia kolomicta

Actinidia kolomikta, the new shoots are showing a hint of the colour they will become.

This grass is everywhere and becoming a nuisance, but when I see the sun shining through the leaves, it is forgiven!

This grass is everywhere and becoming a nuisance, I pull most of the seedlings out,  but when I see the sun shining through the leaves, it is forgiven!

Good old Phormium Yellow Wave, it doesn't change, but stays the same all year.

Good old Phormium Yellow Wave, it doesn’t change, but stays the same all year.

Fatshedera, a hybrid between a Fatsia and an Ivy, the leaves are quite large but not as large as a Fatsia.

Fatshedera, a hybrid between a Fatsia and an Ivy, the leaves are quite large but not as large as a Fatsia.

This was sipposed to be a photo of the fern at the back, but it doesn't show up very well. This fern is evergreen and looks lovely through the winter.

This was supposed to be a photo of the fern at the back, but it doesn’t show up very well. This fern is evergreen and looks lovely through the winter.

Heucheras are now putting out their new leaves, I think this is H. Marmalade.

Heucheras are now putting out their new leaves, I think this is H. Marmalade.

I thought I had lost Hellebore Moonbeam, but it has come back thank goodness, maybe a handful of fertiliser is needed.

I thought I had lost Hellebore Moonbeam, but it has come back thank goodness, maybe a handful of fertiliser is needed.

Purple Phormium and Pittosportum Irene Patterson make a good combination.

Purple Phormium and Pittosportum Irene Patterson make a good combination.

Colchicum foliage reminding me that I will have lots of flowers here in the autumn.

Colchicum foliage reminding me that I will have lots of flowers here in the autumn.

Libertia peregrinans and Ophiopogon planiscapus nigrescens go well together and are with me all year round.

Libertia peregrinans and Ophiopogon planiscapus nigrescens go well together and are with me all year round.

The cardoon is now a permanent fixture, I hope, love the new leaves as they unfold.

The cardoon is now a permanent fixture, I hope, love the new leaves as they unfold.

The foliage on this camellia is so very dark, almost a blue/black and sets off the flowers beautifully.

The foliage on this camellia is so very dark, almost a blue/black and sets off the flowers beautifully.

Looking through the photos that I took, I see that they are mainly evergreens, which I enjoy all year round. I’m sure that by next months GBFD we will have lots of new shoots and the garden will look very different, at the moment, I feel it is in suspended animation!

Calathea crocata Candela

Calathea crocata Candela

I thought you might like to see a new plant which I bought for the conservatory the other day. I thought the leaves are so beautiful, so it deserves to be shown on Foliage Day.

The leaves are so dark, a hint of green in the purple/black which contrast so beautifully with the flowers.

The leaves are so dark, a hint of green in the purple/black which contrast so beautifully with the flowers.

Many thanks go to Christina of My Hesperides Garden for hosting this monthly meme, do pop over to her to see other foliage from round the world.


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13 Responses to New foliage for Garden Bloggers Foliage Day.

  1. Gitte says:

    We also have had sun, but also frost at night. Not the best combination. I´m also looking forward to my Viburnum Mariesii. Heuchera is still looking a little scruffy. Hopefully the frost will soon end, so we can really enjoy all the lovely flowers.

    • Pauline says:

      I think it’s the frost at night Gitte, that is holding plants back at the moment. Hopefully soon, the temperatures will rise a little and make a difference to the garden.

  2. Susie says:

    The camellia leaves are beautiful and I like your Heuchera very much. Hope the weather warms a bit for you soon Pauline.

    • Pauline says:

      All the heucheras are starting to put out new leaves Susie, some will need replanting as they have grown up out of the soil, but I’m sure they will be ok. I like the camellias leaves too, they are so dark compared to my other camellia bushes and shine out in the shade where they are.
      The weather is changing from an easterly wind to wind from the west, which of course brings us more rain, but it should be quite a bit warmer!

  3. Jason says:

    I have been closely watching the buds on my Viburnum, especially the new V. carlesii. Last year it did not bloom but I already see some little bunches of flower buds this year. Looking forward to smelling the scent as we walk out the front door. Is V. plicatum fragrant?

    • Pauline says:

      Jason, I can’t remember if there is a perfume or not, I’ll let you know in a months time! I’m sure your V. carlesii will be beautiful once the buds open.

  4. Christina says:

    I remember admiring Santolina Lemon Fizz before, I do hope I will be able to find it some where. The gorgeous leaves of Calathea crocata Candela certainly merited a place in the foliage post. Thanks for joining in this month Pauline, you were better than I was at showing the foliage you have all be it similar to last month – which just shows the value of foliage doesn’t it.

    • Pauline says:

      When I was cutting back Santolina Lemon Fizz Christina, I kept a few stalks as cuttings. If, and I mean if, they take, would you like them? I’ll let you know if they survive.
      I couldn’t resist the Calathea when I saw it at the garden centre, it just jumped into my trolly, the leaves look so beautiful with the flowers.

  5. Sally says:

    Hi Pauline,
    The Calathea is beautiful! You have so many beautiful plants to enjoy. I got a chuckle about the grass you keep pulling up. We all have one or two plants like that that we battle.

    • Pauline says:

      I’m surprised the grass likes my heavy soil so much Sally, but it really should be better behaved, its seedlings pop up all over the garden!

  6. Frank says:

    Look at that cardoon! I had a seedling which finally hit it’s stride late last summer, but the winter was much to harsh for it. For a while things looked promising but then the bottom dropped out of the thermometer and all was lost. Yours looks as lush as ever and I bet the blooms are really something!

    • Pauline says:

      I nearly lost the Cardoon Frank, when the hedge behind got too fat and grew over it! Once we cut the hedge right back the Cardoon has never looked back. Yes, I agree the flowers are quite something and to find bumble bees wallowing in the purple pollen is a sight to behold! Sorry to hear about the demise of your cardoon, will you try again?

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