Taking a wander round the garden yesterday morning, there was so much colour that I decided to take the photos for today’s post. We have had hot, humid weather in July and thank goodness, a day of non stop rain a couple of days ago, I’m sure the garden was very grateful, I certainly was! It is a lot cooler now, more like it should be, so hopefully the flowers will last a bit longer and not go over so quickly.

Hemerocallis were the subject of my last post, but now H. Stafford has Crocosmia masoniorum in amongst it.

A close up of one of the highly perfumed flowers, they really do stop me in my tracks as I am rushing by.

The old dead oak in the centre of the garden now has a honeysuckle climbing up it as well as the huge climbing rose and Clematis belle Etoile. I think the birds have planted the honeysuckle as I certainly don’t remember doing so!

Lysimachia ephemerum forming good ground cover round my Iceberg roses, I think I must split this and spread it around as its doing such a good job.

Feverfew contrasting nicely with the golden day lily behind, this seeds gently round the garden but is never a problem.

A lovely blue mop headed hydrangea which was always pink when my mother had it in a pot. Once it was released in the garden here it quickly changed to this lovely colour.

Also growing in the gravel drive is a plant of Evening Primrose, I’ll save the seed and scatter it later.

Not quite floering yet, but I think my Agapanthus will be a future Plant of the Moment post as they are multiplying so well.
July is a very colourful month in the garden here. Some plants are having a rest after their first flush, (roses) but there are plenty of others to take their place, they just keep coming and the bees and butterflies are enjoying them as well as me.
Thanks go once more to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting this meme each month, please pay her a visit to see flowers from around the world.
I have no luck with growing Fuchsias, so I will just sit here a minute to admire yours.
Happy Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day!
So glad that you like my new Fuchsia Lea, we live in the county of Devon, so Devon Dumpling seemed an obvious choice.
Your photos are lovely Pauline! What a beautiful array of blooms for July. Everything looks so fresh and not at all tired after the heat you had.
Thank you Cathy, everything seems to be holding up well in spite of a long time without any rain, more forecast for tonight though, along with thunder storms!
Your garden is looking so fresh and colourful, Pauline, your photographs are wonderful too. I’m pleased I’m not the only one who forgets to stake C. Lucifer, a little job I must do today so thank you for the reminder🙂.
Poor Lucifer gets forgotten every year Kate, I must buy some permanent staking for him!
Lovely photos Pauline. I do love lucifer, such a show, even when they fall over! Crocosmia masoniorum is beautiful, I must try and buy one. The trachelospermum jasminoides looks lovely too so checked but it would not be hardy enough for here.
Thanks Denise. C. masoniorum has been here for a good number of years , but it is only now that it is starting to increase, thank goodness.The Trachelospermum has such a wonderful perfume, but your right, it isn’t totally hardy, I always hope that it comes through our winters, so far so good.
There is so much to see, what a summertime show! Glad it (and you) are holding up well to the heat.
I love the photo of the daylily together with the feverfew, and the jasmine scent must be great this time of year. I think it matches the weather perfectly!
Lots of rain due tonight Frank, plus thunder storms, but I’m sure the garden will appreciate it all.
Magnificent! Looking at your Acanthus, I realize that I could do a lot more with mine which is rather squashed right now. I think I will move it this autumn.
My Acanthus is spreading a bit too far Alain, it does have a reputation for trying to take over, be careful where you move it to!
So many lovely plants! I really liked the malve and white lacecap. I can just imagine the scent of that jasmine. The birds have planted honeysuckle everywhere here too.xxx
The Hydrangeas are perfect at the moment Dina, brightening up shady corners in the garden. We have a lot to thank the birds for, but I could do without them spreading seed of blackberries everywhere!
Your Crocosmia Lucifer are magnificent even if they have fallen over. I have planted mine in a dry area in deep shade so I can’t expect much from them but at least they survive in a spot where nothing else can live. Maybe I should move a few this fall to a better spot….hmmm.
Happy Bloom Day!
Jeannie @ GetMeToTheCountry.Blogspot.com
Thank you Jeannie, he is a super plant, but I must find some support for him in fututre years, it will make cutting the grass much easier!
As always, your garden is lovely! I adore your F. Devon Dumpling. Someone gave me some Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’ corms last year. I had seen photos, but I was still surprised at how lovely this plant is. And so easy to grow! I literally have done nothing except plant them, and this year they are rewarding me with healthy foliage and vibrant blooms.
Many thanks Deb for your kind comment. We live in the county of Devon here in the SW of England, so it was an obvious choice! C. Lucifer is a fantastic plant with beautiful flowers, but he does multiply up so quickly, be prepared for him spreading!
Hi Pauline, You have so many beautiful blooms. I’m learning as well. I lost a Crocosmia and think I put it in an area that was too dry. Yours are striking! Your white Malva is the first I’ve ever seen…another wonderful plant. I would love to see a long shot of your dead tree with all the vines growing on it! Thanks for sharing from your beautiful gardens.
Hi Sally, I’m so glad you like all my lovely flowers, they certainly make the garden look bright and cheerful at the moment. I will try and remember to photograph my dead tree, it is an old oak, we think at least 300 yrs old from the huge size of its trunk. The birds love living in all the climbers and finding plenty to eat in the bark.
HI Pauline, lots of beauty to be found in your garden as usual. I’m intrigued by the Hypericum and made a note. Not a lover of them usually but I like the shape. How do the flowers look like? Hemerocallis Stafford is a favourite of mine, sadly I wasn’t able to find it yet. It’s great not having to worry about drought. Your garden looks so fresh and lush – enjoy it 🙂
Usually Hypericum gets pulled out of the garden here Annette, the birds deposit the seed everywhere and it really is a weed. H. prolificum is different though, such tiny dainty flowers, it is so pretty and I have pruned away the lower branches so that it looks like a small tree.
We haven’t had rain for quite a while but now rain, thunder and lightning are forecast for later today and tomorrow, the garden will be pleased!
Lots of eye candy here. I love the ‘Blue Wave’ Hydrangea and the combination of Feverfew with the golden Daylilies.
Thanks Jason, I love all the colours at the moment, summer in all its glory I think. I do seem to have a preference for blue flowers, they pop up everywhere and I’m ever so happy when pink hydrangeas gradually change to blue.
Good to see all your bloomers, Pauline, but also that big clump of white lysimachia as I have just bought one of them from an open garden. Hope mine settles as well as yours!
Thank you Cathy, the plants are holding up well in all the heat and now all the wind and rain that we are having. The Lysinachia is spreading, but not too badly, it is quite easy to control, I hope yours behaves itself!