My favorite time of year for clematis must be July/August time- we seem to have aquired so many- climbing up every available space. Up walls,trees pergola and archways.
The year starts with Clematis alpina climbing up and over an archway at the entrance to the small woodland, this is soon followed by 2 macropetelas, one in the front garden on some trellising, the other at the end of the greenhouse. These are followed by a montana which is up one of our oak trees,am I the only one who sees it 50ft up in the sky? Our other montana is in the vegetable garden to encourage the bees to come pollinating the fruit trees.
We just have a couple of the early large flowered clematis on the house walls, but now there is an explosion of colour from all the viticellas which are climbing up all the remaining available spaces.
Also flowering at this timeof year is our herbacious clematis growing up through a Lonicera Baggesen’s Gold. The contrast of the dark blue with yellow is truly delightful.