While assessing how the newish planting in the rockery was doing, I realised that quite a few of the plants were in the purple spectrum and they all seemed to be in the centre of the rockery. I will have to have a think about what I can add anongst them.

I’ll start with the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum which has put itself in the rockery in quite a large clump.

I planted this hardy geranium many years ago, sorry the name is lost in the mist of time, but it seeds round beautifully, I get lots of seedlings for planting elsewhere in the garden.

…unlike all it’s offspring that are more of a blueish purple. I’m always digging seedlings out from between the paving on the patio.

There have been so many foxglove seedlings, again, I presume in the added compost. Most were moved to shady beds and have been wonderful to see, especially the white ones, but a few were allowed to stay.

One lonely Allium christophii is carrying on the baton from Allium purple sensation, it looks very lonely, must buy more in the autumn to keep it company.

More free plants via the compost I presume, Linaria purpurea, providing a much needed vertical to contrast with all the round plants!

I used to have the pink one L. Canon Went, but that is just what he did, he went and wasn’t seen anymore, just the purple one now.
So this is the purple area on the rockery, I think a splash of yellow or white would look nice in with them, what do you think? I’m not complaining though, most of them were free!
Looking very good in purple Pauline, though I agree a splash of another colour would be even better. I find Potentilla recta var. sulphurea works nicely plus it seeds itself around….. maybe even a bit too much☺️
Thanks Denise and thanks also for your suggestion, I will certainly look into it.
Nice that so many of your purples were surprises, it’s wonderful how that can work out so well!
Your clematis works its way in so well. I always have trouble placing them anywhere more imaginative than a simple trellis. They seem to disappear on a shrub or just fade away before the roots settle in. Yours looks so nice with blooms all the way down to the base!
Plants are so generous with their seed Frank! The clematis is on an obelisk which isn’t quite tall enough, so it climbs up and then flops down again!
I do love your purple melody, especially your ever so cute little bells. Maybe some California poppies would happily live amongst them all.xxx
Glad you like the purple Dina, the clematis is a pretty one, different from my others. Californian poppies sounds a good idea, I have a packet of seed somewhere so could have a go at sprinkling them, thanks for the idea.
Yes, this purple domination can easily creep up on us, along with pink! Love that purple poppy!!
A clump of day lilies has just started flowering in that area and what colour are they…purple! The purple poppy pops up all over the garden, I would miss it if it didn’t.