Yes, the woodland floor is becoming more white as the days go by and it certainly isn’t with snow. The special snowdrops are definitely a lot earlier than in previous years and even the wild ones are almost ready to join in, they normally peak at about the third week in February. All the rain that we have had doesn’t seem to have put them off.
I have been working hard in the woodland as I’m expecting a group of ladies from the village to come for “Coffee and Snowdrops” on February 1st. The woodland is now ready, as are 4 more borders, just one large border to get ready now with Neil, the gardeners help, I think we might make it in time!

G. Anglesey Abbey, all white, are increasing nicely. All my snowdrops start out as just one bulb, then I wait patiently!

Would I have bought this one if I had known that a certain gentleman was going to step onto the world stage? I somehow don’t think so. This is G. Trumps, there are others similar, I would probably have chosen one of those instead!
Other flowers are joining in with the snowdrops.

A friend from “up north” came visiting the other day and brought me a lovely “Jack in the Green” primrose where the flower is surrounded by a ruff of green sepals. These flowers date back to the time of Queen Elizabeth the first in the 16th Century, I now just have to decide where to plant it!
The days are getting noticeably longer, it is still light at 5pm now, which makes such a difference where gardening is concerned. Birds are singing and declaring their territory in the garden, soon new life will be starting once again. There is still so much tidying to be done before my ladies visit, so I will be out here at every opportunity getting everywhere presentable for them.
With 2 more visits from Neil the gardener, before Feb 1st, I think we will make it!
I look forward to this post each spring and although my own snowdrops are still buried under snow and ice and likely won’t be up for another month or two, this gives me hope and gets me excited!
Love that that your busy in the garden and can be amongst the singing birds again. All the best for your visit!
Magnet is indeed a nice clump.
How wonderful that you wait for my report on the snowdrops here Frank. We really are lucky, especially this year, as most of the rest of the England and Scotland are under snow and ice. You will be able to enjoy yours when mine are over and done with for another 12 months! Today we had non stop rain, torrential at times and I have just seen on our news that not far from here there have been mud slides and floods, we are indeed, very lucky.
How exciting, your snowdrops are further on than mine. How would we get through winter without these little beauties to cheer us up?
I don’t know Chloris, it would be a very dull time wouldn’t it! Once the snowdrops start opening, it is worth having a daily wander to see what is happening.
Oh it’s most comforting to see your snowdrops Pauline. They are beginning to become familiar friends. Like you I start off with just one snowdrop and wait although some do increase at a greater rate than others including the unfortunately named one. Are you treating yourself to any new ones this year? Your ‘Coffee and Snowdrops’ morning sounds as if it would be a most enjoyable event to be invited to.
No, I don’t think I’ll be buying any new snowdrops this year Anna, I would rather increase what I already have. Watching the snowdrops increasing by themselves is so satisfying, but I think a few could do with a helping hand. I still have a few places where I can fit more snowdrops to make that longed for drift of white
Lovely to see your snowdrops doing so well. I’m pleased with the way my ‘ordinary’ ones are growing and may try to buy some more now I now they will survive the summer heat and drought.
Thank you Christina. I hope you have yours in nice deep shade to keep them away from your hot summer sun! They should be fine with you as most of them come from the mountains of Turkey where it must get hot in the summer.
Hi Pauline,
Snowdrops are a wonderful start to Spring and I love your new Primrose! It’s so unique. Hmmm…I wonder if it would grow in zone 6b Massachusetts?
My new primrose is very pretty Sally, anazing to think that it has been around for 500 years! It likes more sunshine than our wild primrose which is a woodland plant, but I think in your heat it might like a bit of shade?
Well your snowdrops really are giving a good display this year Pauline though I do wonder what has made them bloom so early. I love the Coffee and Snowdrops idea…. and wish I was close enough to pop by myself!
Thanks Denise, I think I’m going to have a long drawnout snowdrop season this year, without the usual peak in mid February. I wish you lived nearer so that you could pop in for “coffee and snowdrops” too, and cake of course!
…. and cake…. I’m on my way!
I’ll be waiting!
How lovely to see your snowdrops Pauline! They will need a bit longer here, so it is heartening to see yours, and so many different ones too. Love the sound of Coffee and Snowdrops! 🙂
Our temperatures are rising this week Cathy so I assume more will start flowering, I hope I have plenty left for when the ladies come! It would be lovely if you could all come!
Glad you can start enjoying snowdrops early this year. So gorgeous. I also admire your Iris reticulata Pauline with its fabulous color.
Different Iris reticulata are now starting to open Susie and the crocus are joining in too. It seems there is something new every day for me to discover, it is wonderful!
What a wonderful display of Snowdrops you have. Good luck getting ready for Coffee and Snowdrops – I am sure it will be a great success.
Thank you Jason, and they are multiplying nicely, I think they really like the mulch of leaf mould that I give them each year. I keep checking the snowdrops that are in tight bud at the moment, I think they will be flowering by next Thursday, I hope so!
Your snowdrops are looking wonderful; I wish I could sneak in to see your woodland with that group of ladies from the village! One of my splurges is a subscription to the magazine The English Garden, and the current issue has a spread about the snowdrops at Welford Park in Berkshire. Breathtaking is an understatement. The UK seems blessed with a wonderful variety of fabulous gardens; I dream of someday visiting that part of the world, and I would love to see the snowdrops!
You would be very welcome Debs! I too take The English Garden magazine but my woodland plus snowdrops is tiny compared to what is in the magazine. In the past my husband and I used to go garden viisiting in February to see the wonderful snowdrops that these gardens have, drifts as far as the eye can see are a wonderful sight and so well worth a visit. We are certainly lucky with our gardens that are open to visit, so inspiring!