Planting up the rockery is making me feel that I ought to keep some sort of record of the changes I’m making in that area, so I am going to join in with Cathy’s meme of The Tuesday View. It probably won’t be every week, as I don’t think there will be enough changes, but as soon as there are any changes I will share them with you.

The Aubretia are still waiting to be planted, having shown them to you will make me get on and plant them.

I have to improve the soil at the top of the rockery and make sure that any excess water will drain away quite quickly on this, the sunny side.

This is the shady side of the rockery. Prunus KoJo no mai has grown taller than I thought it would but there are quite a few plants that like the conditions this side.

This is where I’m up to with the tidying, there is such a lot of ivy to be removed here, before I can plant more.shade loving plants.
Earlier this year I planted cyclamen coum under the shrubs and they will soon be joined by some wild snowdrops when I split my larger clumps. This means that there should be interest from January onwards in this area. Lots of bulbs have already flowered, so now I’m having to think of what would like to live here for the summer and autumn.
Thank you Cathy for hosting this meme, I will join in whenever there are any changes to show you.
Your garden is beautiful! Spring in all it’s glory…….so much color. It’s a preview of coming garden attractions here in Massachusetts! Heuchera is such a wonderful addition to any garden. I need a few more! (haha) Your project reminded me the garden under my diningroom windows needs to be dug out. ….it’s so easy to put off….for a few years!
Thank you Sally, we had a mild winter so I think the garden is a bit ahead of itself this year. I don’t think the rockery has been weeded properly for a couple of years so an overhaul was certainly overdue, it should look a lot better when it is all done.
It’s a lovely part of the garden Pauline.
Thanks Jessica, I felt that this area should be flowering and showing interest as well as the woodland.
Just love your rockery, filled with so much colour already. Gorgeous! Ivy is the bane of my life, that and ground alder!xxx
Thank you Dina, I think rockeries should be colourful in the spring, but the rest of the year is a problem for me. Hopefully this year I will find some answers. The other bane of my life is bindweed!
The view is beautiful, I’ll take your word it needs weeding since I would have never guessed.
There’s so much spring color all over, you’ve done such a good job painting the picture.
I wasn’t going to show you a close up of the weeds Frank, but believe me, they are there! Keeping the colour going over the summer months is going to be harder than springtime.
Your rockery is lovely Pauline. I agree with you about Spring being the best/easiest time for colour in the rockery. I notice my rockery always looks a bit bare after midsummer. I look forward to seeing how you get round this, I know you will!
Oh dear Denise, I’ll have to get the books out and my thinking cap on! I already have some Colchicums planted in the rockery, they flower in the autumn, so there’s a start!
Your rockery looks so lush and full of colour Pauline! A big contrast to mine. I have to cope with shade from conifers in winter and then burning sun and dry ground in summer, but it looks like you have more moisture. I shall enjoy seeing it progress! Thanks for joining in!
Parts of the rockery are always moist Cathy, because of the wall of the scree from when it was a pond built by the previous people. Any rainwater that runs down towards it can’t escape, so I already have astilbes in that area and will move a couple of small bog plants over here soon to join them..
I’m having the same thoughts about summer and autumn for the semi-shaded border in the middle garden here, Pauline. It’s been a complete joy in spring but I’ll have to watch carefully to see how it goes throughout the rest of the year. As usual, your garden is full of inspiration!
I’m thinking Osteospermum, Anthemis and Sedum would be ok in the sunny bit Caro, I don’t want anything too tall in that area, they should all flower for a nice long time. I’m sure I can find more inspiration in one of Bath Chatto’s many books!
Stunning views of your spectacular spring garden! I look forward to watching it change through the year.
Thanks Peter, so do I, but I must find some later flowers for it quickly!
I love your rockery. So much colour and interest. There is a small alpine Aster that flowers in autumn, that might suit your rockery?
Thank you Julieanne, the Aster sounds delightful, I must try and find it.