We have enjoyed a few lovely sunny days with just a few wintry showers lately, is this the beginning of the end of all our dreadful rain, I wonder? I hope so. The wind recently has been very cold coming from the north, but I don’t mind that as long as it isn’t wet! The Narcissus are flowering everywhere, along with the primroses, making the garden look very springlike along with other little woodland ephemerals.

The Chaenomeles by the back door is still flowering but will soon come to an end I think. It has been flowering for a good 4 months now, not bad at all!

Narcissus Canaliculatus loves the alpine scree, it is one of the few narcissus that likes a good baking from the sun. The flowers are tiny compared to most narcissus but there are always lots per stem.

Narcissus Thalia is now starting to open its lovely white flowers, I’m very fond of this one and have it in most of my borders.

The flowers of this narcissus are larger than the previous one with just a single flower on each stem, maybe someone can identify it for me?

Corydalis solida and its seedlings on the slope into the woodland. The original C. solida is the lilac one in the centre, all the others are its seedlings, it is spreading beautifully so I always make sure it has a mulch of my own leaf mould for its seeds to enjoy.

Narcissus Jack Snipe in the woodland. Most of the narcissus in the woodland are N. pseudonarcissus and they are quickly going over for another year, I wonder how much they will spread this year?

I always thought that Baxendale’s Late was my last snowdrop to flower…but no, this one is G. Polar Bear.

A close up of G. Polar Bear, looking a bit splashed by the rain! Quite a dainty flower compared to some.

Just look at that sky, doesn’t it make your heart sing when we have had nothing but grey for months on end! New growth on Acer Sango kaku in the woodland, this is always my first Acer to come into leaf, and then the first to lose them!

Lovely little wood anemones, Anemone nemerosa, spreading amongst the snakes head fritillaries. They are spreading nice and gently, certainly not a problem.

Snakeshead fritillaries are making their presence felt amongst the wood anemones, soon be time to give them a post of their own!

Narcissus St. Patrick’s Day is a week early! I love the pale colours of this one and also its fluted trumpet.
Torrential rain has passed over this morning so hopefully this afternoon will be much better. The forescast for this coming week is for it to be dry – fantastic – at last!
Thanks go to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting GBBD each month, do pop over to see which other flowers are being enjoyed round the world.
It is wonderful to feel Spring is here at last after such a long wet winter and with the grey gloomy news. Your garden is looking beautiful. Isnt it amazing that the yellow spring colours are so uplifting to our spirit ? Your photos left me smiling and hopeful midst all the doom and gloom. Thank you. I am off to admire the little Spring treasures in our garden !
The sunshine is so welcome after all the rain Mary, hopefully the rain will get less as the days go by. The colours make the garden so springlike and with the birds singing too, it all makes me so happy. I think I will be doing a lot more gardening now that I’m supposed to self isolate with being so old!
You have a wonderful collection of narcissi! They are so wonderful to see in spring – a real mental lift. I also love Fritillaries. Mine are budding, but not quite out yet. Can’t wait!
Thank you Anna, they say spring like no other plant don’t they! The fritillaries are coming on nicely, soon be able to do a post about them.
Your primroses are so fascinating to me. Such strong colors on the delicate looking greens. I could just gobble them up. I can’t grow them here. I have tried. Too dry and hot. Enjoy your dry sunny weathers. Happy GBBD.
Lisa, the primroses really enjoy all our rain and a bit of shade, it’s nice to know that something likes so much rain! Today we have wonderful sunshine, what a difference it makes!
Happy Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day!
Thank you Lea!
So many blooms I can’t decide what to comment on. What an incredible spring in your garden. The daffodils I really enjoyed.
I really enjoy springtime here Ray, when everything is bursting forth with such pretty flowers. The daffodils take over from all the snowdrops in Jan/Feb and make the garden look so different.
Beautiful blooms,your narcisuss collection is amazing mine have yet not come into blooming .I have never heard about scilla plant they have startling blue flowers.Happy blooms day.
The little scillas Arun are such tiny little plants, only about 4 inches tall, but the wonderful shade of blue means that you can’t miss them. It’s best to plant lots of tiny bulbs to get a lot of colour, but they do seed about and increase nicely.
Pauline, I am glad to hear that you have at last a forecast of good weather to come. Let us hope it is accurate! All the flowers in your photos are lovely making it difficult to choose a favorite lol, though I think the erythroniums are mine. Such delicate, beautiful little flowers.
Lovely sunshine today too Denise, it makes such a difference! I love the little erythroniums, such beautiful dainty flowers but I soon learned never to go away at this time of year or I would miss them as they flower for such a short time!
What beautiful springs flowers, especiallyyVeronica and Thalia. I’ll be glad to see the back of the icy wind too, at least it’s a little dryer.xxx
Thanks Dina, spring is my favourite time of year I think, as there is so much to admire each day. We have had some lovely sunny days lately, but now it is going colder again, but at least it has stopped raining!
Lovely spring flowers, I love all your narcissi
Thanks Chloris although they are nearly all over now!