I don’t think I need to say anything about the weather this week, it is still awful and we have had a bit of everything and the garden is still flooded in places. In spite of this however, plants are still flowering away, new plants starting to flower, leaves coming on the trees and shrubs, and the hedges on the boundaries are beginning to look green once more. Spring is here and once it starts there is no stopping it, so on with my six for this week.

I have just a couple of pots still flowering in the conservatory, this one is a pot of tiny Tulip Honky Tonk. I think it is rather lovely and will be planting these bulbs on the scree when they have finished flowering.

My other pot still flowering is a lovely narcissus, N Reggae. These bulbs will also be planted out when flowering has finished. I will try and find more of this variety as I think it is rather nice.

I did say the other week that all my honesty seedlings had come up with white flowers, but I spoke too soon! Three plants have opened up with purple flowers so I must make sure I save the seeds of those for next year.

The foliage of Acer Osakazuki in the woodland is shining out in the shade. such delicate looking leaves. This is always my first Acer to open its leaves in the spring, also the new growth on the stems is a beautiful coral colour.

One of my fairly new primroses on the rockery. I have had this one for 3 years now, I don’t think it is fully hardy as it was indoors at the garden centre and not outdoors, but is thankfully surviving nicely.

A dwarf variety of Forsythia is now flowering on the rockery, it isn’t supposed to grow more than 4ft, I’ll make sure it stays at that height.
Those are my six for this week. Photographs had to be taken whenever there was a break in the almost non stop rain, goodness knows when I’ll get my grass cut, it all looks rather a mess, but at least the flowers are looking lovely for me! It must stop raining one day soon! I hope we all have some decent gardening weather this weekend and I wish you all a very Happy Easter!
Thanks again to Jim at Garden Ruminations for organising us, do pay him a visit to see what is going on in gardens around the world.
I like the pink Honesty and thought that’s what I planted many years ago – but it turned out to be the white variety and has sown itself about ever since. They are lovely though. A dwarf Forsythia sounds like a good idea – the flowers seem a more mellow yellow compared to the regular one – very pretty.
Even more purple honesty have now popped up Graeme, I must be more patient in future! I am pleased so far with the dwarf Forsythia, as long as it stays small, we will both be happy!
“Honky Tonk” is very pretty, and worthy of your number one spot. Here’s hoping the weather dries up soon for you, I think you’ve had it much wetter than we have.
I think Honky Tonk is a keeper Helen, very different from my other tiny tulips.we have had 2 dry days now but the coming week has rain forecast for every day!
Your primrose is very pretty and not munched either! My grass is a mess too, but I just ignore it and concentrate on the things that are looking good, though how anything is managing to grow and survive in all this wetness is a miracle.
I think my plants need to learn to swim Jude, I have never known my garden to be so wet and flooded in the 30 yrs I’ve lived here! In future I’ll have to build mounds before I plant anything, trying to keep their roots out of the water.
The plants are still doing well in your conservatory, Pauline and outdoors, your planting seems to be fairly weather-resistant. The Acer Osakazuki is lovely – I could do with another acer for the garden. The primrose is pretty too – I sometimes think garden centres hold some plants under cover to keep them looking their best, as many of us are tempted by the pretty, undamaged blooms. 3 years is a good record, so it must be happy where it is. The weather here has been dreadful, again, this week – but what a change today! It’s been a glorious day here and I’ve so enjoyed it! Hope it’s been the same for you.
I don’t know how the plants are coping with all this rain Catherine, some that the books say need well drained soil have been sitting in water all winter but still seem quite happy! We have had 2 dry days which has been wonderful but more rain is forecast for every day this coming week!
The forsythia and Acer are stately. Forsythia is so showy and the Acer has something for all seasons.
Thank you Topdock, soon all my Acers will have new buds sprouting, and yes, they are just as pretty as the autumn colour.
N reggae is just lovely Pauline. I wouldn’t mind some myself so will keep an eye open for them in the autumn. I do hope the weather improves soon. As you say sooner or later, the rain has to stop. Happy Easter Pauline!
I have just the spot for quite a few more N. Reggae Denise so must try and find more in the autumn. Two lovey dry days and then this coming week we are back to rain each day!
Since everyone is criticizing the weather I can only be happy to have gone to Italy for a bit… Very pretty salmon coloor of Narcisse ‘Reggae’ and I see that this acer is a little ahead of mine which have not yet budded (it’s just the beginning here)
You did the right thing going to Italy Fred, you missed a lot of rain! We had a gardening holiday years ago in Rome, and were allowed to see round the garden at the back of the Vatican, very interesting. All my Acers are starting to sprout, but Sango Kaku is always the first.
Such a pretty primrose, Pauline. Hope you get some respite from the rain soon
I hope so too Cathy, but there more rain forecast for us for every day this week!