We have just had a rather mild, dry week, amazing! There is lots going on in the garden, snowdrops all pushing up and opening, the same with narcissus and crocus, but this week, I thought I would show you what is going on inside the house for a change. A few indoor bulbs are now flowering, so I don’t have to go outside for my flower fix if I don’t feel like it! The first one which I will show you is an orchid that I was given a few years ago, this is the first one that I’ve managed to keep alive!

Amaryllis or Hippeastrum, was bought for Christmas, a bit disappointing as it only has 2 trumpets on its stem, usually I’ve had 3 or 4 trumpets, still nice though.

Crocus Orange Monarch soon popped up in the conservatory where it has been kept at +5C, I just put the little heater on when frost is forecast as I also have my salvias and pelargoniums here too.

Next to it is Crocus Tricolour. Just a couple open at the moment, but soon lots more will be flowering.

A basket of Hyacinths was bought at the beginning of December, they opened for the New Year and the perfume in the conservatory has been wonderful each morning. Each bulb is now putting up a second flowering stem, definitely value for money!

Soon , all 21 pots on the table will be full of lovely flowers, Spring will come early in the conservatory!
That is my offering for this week, next week I will be back to showing you what is on offer in the woodland. Thanks to Jim at Garden Ruminations for organising once more, do pay him a visit if you would like to see gardens from around the world.
Beautiful pictures, it must be lovely to walk into your conservatory each day. I’m full of admiration that you’ve managed to get an orchid to survive, I’ve never succeeded!
Thanks Helen, yes, the perfume is amazing when I open the conservatory door. The orchid has now been with me for 3 yrs so I’m so pleased that I am managing to keep it alive as it was a Mother’s Day present from my daughter!
Very pretty orchid! And you have a lot of flowers…! I also manage to keep a few here, but it’s the mealybugs that are my worst enemies…Not easy to get rid of them but on the other hand, the orchids always give flower stems every year. Your orange crocuses are cute too, smaller than mine apparently but you have a lot more open at the moment
I’m glad I’ve found out how to keep the orchid going, maybe I can add more now.The orange crocus flower is much smaller than I anticipated, maybe it will be larger next year after I plant them in the garden after flowering?
Lovely orchid! I have one I abused and now it seems to be growing well, but no flowers since I got it in 2017. Too warm at night? Not enough fertilizer? Not the right light conditions? No idea! Orchids are a mystery to me.
Glad you like the orchid Elizabeth, thank goodness I have learnt what mine needs to keep it happy!
Your indoor bulbs are gorgeous, Pauline. I like the Crocus Tricolour – I haven’t come across that one before. The perfume from the Hyacinths will be heavenly and the pots all look so good together! My friend (who manages to keep her orchids going) has explained the ‘how to’ so many times, but no matter what I do, I fail every time. Well done in keeping that beauty going!
Thanks Catherine, hopefully it will get even better when they are all in flower! I have followed various instructions on how to look after an orchid, but only got it right after a lot of failures, so glad I got there in the end!
That Narcissus is such a delicate thing, a real beauty, and in amongst some other colourful bulbs too. I too am showing some yellow crocus.
I agree, the narcissus is a lovely little flower, how they stand up to life outside , I just don’t know, maybe this one will be kept for inside, I think the yellow one is made of sterner stuff. The crocus outside are coping with the weather, but I remember last year my tommies were flattened by the wind!
Glad you found orchid success, Pauline. It’s lovely and they’re so long-lasting in bloom time. Your conservatory flowers are lovely. I especially am enthralled with the orange crocus. Have a good week.
I’m glad too Susie, pity a few had to die first though! More flowers are opening in the conservatory each day, soon they will all be flowering.
What a lovely display in your Conservatory Pauline. The Crocus tricolour with its yellow base is beautiful so I will try and get some next year. I have just returned from a visit to the UK and Wisley. Lovely Hellebores, new hybrids (Rodney Davey Marbled Group) that I have not heard of before.
Thank you Denise, it gets better each day as more flowers open. Crocus tricolour is a pretty one and seems widely available over here, hope you can find some. The winter garden at Wisley must have been wonderful at the moment, lucky you! R.D.Plants are fairly near here, I have been to the nursery and bought a couple of their special hellebores!
A lovely selection on indoor bulbs.
Thanks Graeme, they brighten up a dull day!
What a great idea, to have indoor bulbs! I love little ways that one can extend the flowering season. Love the dear little Crocus. It is so clever of you to keep your orchid growing, and she has lovely blooms! We grow our Hippeastrums outdoors in pots.
The bulbs will be planted out Sarah, after flowering as then I can see where my other bulbs are in the borders. They do make a nice display inside and make it seem as though spring has come early!
I am imagining a wonderful perfume from all those flowers blooming.
Yes, there is Rosie, especially from the hyacinth.
How lovely seeing your indoor flowers. 21 pots on a table? Amazing!xxx
More have opened now Dina, at least they haven’t been battered by the wind and rain and are still looking beautiful!x