Our local weather forecaster told us that the storm would arrive at 3 am and become calmer by 9 am. I woke suddenly at 3.10 am and the noise of the wind howling through the trees was horrendous, I didn’t get much sleep after that and when it became light this morning there wasn’t a leaf to be seen, none on the lawn or the paving, they must have all blown into the woodland. not many left on the trees either! I’m so glad that I nipped out yesterday to take my photos for today, my 6 are as follows….
No 1 Chaenomeles

More buds are opening in my chaenomeles hedge by the back door, there are so many buds which will keep opening all winter, as long as we don’t have a frost.
No 2 Mahonia Charity
No 3 Ilex Golden King

I showed you Ilex Golden King just a few weeks ago when it was covered in red berries. The berries have now almost all gone, eaten by the birds, I’ll have to look somewhere else for my Christmas decorations.
No 4 Viburnum bodnantense Dawn.

Forming part of the hedge by the field at the side, Viburnum bodnantense Dawn is covered with flowers which will flower on and off all winter. The perfume yesterday was almost overwhelming, it was so strong.
No 5 Pampas grass

Only two plumes were left standing yesterday, I wonder if they are still there today after the storm last night? I can’t see up to that part of the garden from the house, but will have to wait for the wind to die down a bit more before I go and find out.
No 6 Iris reticulata

When Derek cut back a lot of dead stuff from the alpine scree, he found that my Iris reticulata were well and truly up, just a few more weeks to them flowering.
Those are my 6 for this week, I hope they have all survived last night!
Thanks to Jon The Propagator for hosting once more, do pay him a visit to see what is going on in gardens around the world.
It sounds as if the storm was bad in your part of the world, I hate strong winds. Let’s hope it is passing now. I love Mahonia ‘Charity’, someone planted it all over my garden and it is a joy. I also have some Mahonia labelled ‘Winter Sun’, but it looks identical. And irises showing so early? That’s something to look forward to.
It was bad overnight Chloris but the wind has calmed a little now thank goodness, I think your side of the country is going to get it tomorrow unfortunately.The iris usually starts flowering in January, we’ll see if it is any earlier this year.
Like your mahonia. I have several plants but not sure which ones but they look very similar to yours.
Lovely structural plants aren’t they Barbara, they give such welcome colour at a very grey time of year.
Gosh, the storm seems to have hit you hard, Pauline and I hope it hasn’t done any damage – but at least it helpfully swept the leaves up for you!
The gales were really bad Cathy, I felt so sorry for my poor old trees. I have just been out for a wander round to see if there is any damage, but thankfully only lots of twigs and small branches, nothing major as far as I can see at the moment. It is very stangely quiet today, the trees aren’t moving at all, such a contrast to yesterday.
Sorry the storm was so severe Pauline. Your photos are all lovely. The Viburnum is beautiful–I always think I’ll plant one but never do. There are so many types.
It is all strangely quiet now Susie, the difference is amazing. There are quite a few varieties of Viburnums, I just have 3 and like them all for their different qualities, one for winter, one for spring and one that lasts all summer and autumn.
What a lovely selection. How wonderful to be able to enjoy the scent of the viburnum. Good to hear you didn’t have any damage, that wind was horrendous. The Iris are up early!xxx
Thanks Dina,it’s getting harder to find anything worth showing though! The Iris reticulata are usually up at this time of year, they then usually flower in January when you’d think it was far too cold. The only damahe I had from the storm were masses of small beanches down on the lawn and in the woodland, it took me quite a while to clear them all up. x