A new month, but the same old weather. Must stop going on about it, the plants and I will just have to cope, although the sun is shining at the moment! Leaves are starting to unfurl on some trees and shrubs and the borders are looking rather yellow now with all the narcissus, snowdrops are mostly over, just a few late ones starting to open. It is time now for our Six on Saturday, so a few from the conservatory and the rest from the garden.

A pot of Crocus Cream Beauty in the conservatory are looking beautiful at the moment, these will be planted out on the scree after flowering, hope they can cope with the weather outdoors!

Also in a pot indoors is a pot of Scilla sibirica. I already have this on the scree so these will be used elsewhere when flowering is over. In the background are bulbs of Tulip sylvestris.

Tulip sylvestris are now just flowering in the conservatory, I can now see gaps on the rockery so that is where a couple of pots will go when flowering is over.

Galanthus Trumps has finished flowering, but this one has only now started flowering, it is about 10 ft from the main clump, somebody or something is still messing with my bulbs!

Corydalis tuberosa Beth Evans is now in full flower in the woodland, other corydalis aren’t far behind and I’m sure will appear next week.

My Camellia by the front door is looking rather pretty with loads of flowers and buds. I think this one is Margaret Davies, but I’m sure Jim will let me know if I haven’t remembered correctly.
Yesterday started off with a downpour, then it became sleet, before brilliant sunshine took over and I was able to get out into the garden for my morning wander. At the moment it is slightly warmer, the wind has lost its bite that it had last week and the sun is shining but I don’t know for how long! I know that temperatures are going to fall in the next few days, but I feel that spring has arrived, the birds think so too. They are all pairing up, the woodpecker is drumming every day on my old trees,or I hope it is my trees and not my fence posts!
Thanks to Jim at Garden Ruminations for hosting, do pop over to see how other gardeners are coping with the weather.
This miserable weather doesn’t highlight certain flowers, but I must say that yours are very pretty. I do like the pot with the crocuses and the flowers of this camellia are very cute ( compared to mine)
More torrential rain today Fred, I just wonder when it will all stop, can’t get any gardening done! The flowers are carrying on though, they don’t seem to mind.
A lovely selection as always. Crocus ‘Cream Beauty’ is particularly lovely. I must try growing them in pots instead of the ground where they don’t seem to do very well.
The crocus Cream Beauty have done well this year Graeme, I think growing them in pots has given them the soil that they prefer, plus of course, being indoors has stopped them from being battered by all the rain!
Such pretty Tulips, I am excited for Tulip season.
Glad you like them Rosie, having them in pots is the only way I can grow them as my soil is far too wet and heavy.
Such beautiful spring flowers, the crocus in particular is stunning.
Thanks Helen, Spring has certainly arrived with new plants popping up each day.
It always helps when people post pictures of the fairly small number of Camellias that are distinctive and unlikely to be confused with anything else. Having said which, one day someone might explain to me the difference between ‘Margaret Davis’ and ‘Margaret Davis Picotee’, and I’ve only just learned that there is a ‘Margaret Davis Ashley’, another variant someone thought different enough to name.
It seems there are too many Camellias Jim, that are too similar, like snowdrops!
Your conservatory plants are always so pretty, I prefer seeing Crocus Cream Beauty in a pot, probably because they never do well in my garden and pots are the only way I can grow them. I like the combination of the Scilla sibirica with the Tulip sylvestnis in the background – they make a pretty picture. The Corydalis is also very pretty.
Thanks you Catherine, the crocus have done well in their pot and by being indoors have missed all the wind and rain that we have had over the winter. The Tulip sylvestris will have to cope outside once flowering is over.
We’re sick of the weather too. Lovely blooms especially that camellia.xxx
We had more torrential rain today Dina, how much more are we going to get? Just as well that I have my flowers to cheer me up!x