The weather this week has been very variable, some days lovely and warm and sunny, others torrential rain of biblical proportions, making me wonder whether to get the plans out and be ready to build an ark! Today it is raining once more, I made the most of yesterday and took my photos then.
My six for this week are here…
No 1 Cornus and asters.

Asters have seeded all along the driveway border and at the moment are contrasting with the change in colour of the Cornus alba siberica Westonbirt leaves, they change to a beautiful purple before finally dropping and revealing the bright red stems of the cornus all winter.
No 2 Hydrangea Ayesha.

Hydrangea Ayesha has put out a new flower, all the rest have faded, but this one is so blue compared to all the others earlier in the year, which were lilac.
No 3 Solidago.

Solidago with an ancient Sedum. I can’r remember the variety of Solidago, but I know it isn’t the ordinary one and is very well behaved.
No 4 Honeysuckle berries.
No 5 Myrtus communis.

The flowers on my small tree of Myrtus communis are just getting better and better as time goes by. It has been flowering for months now with more flowers opening every day.
No 6 Arum italicum marmoratum.

More autumn berries, this time from Arum italicum marmoratum, another sign that autumn is well and truly with us.
These are my 6 for this week, thanks as usual go to Jon The Propagator who hosts this each month, do pay him a visit to see what is happening in other gardens round the world.
P.S. I shared with you a few weeks ago, the pleasure I was getting from watching 2 young foxes playing in my garden. Since then I had seen them a couple more times, once this last Monday morning at 11am when having my coffee, but then early Tuesday when I drew back my bedroom curtains, there was one just lying on its side on the rockery. I hurried downstairs and yes, it was dead. Such a lovely young animal, no marks on it at all and it looked as though it had been feeding well. I just hope that the other one hasn’t met the same fate and is alive and well somewhere. It really brightened up my day to see them playing together on the lawn, I shall miss them.
The Cornus-Aster combination looks absolutely lovely. The early autumn colour on the Cornus is particularly nice.
It’s good to see the berries poking up on the Arum – they always seem a little eccentric to me!
Glad you like the aster/cornus combination Andrew, the asters have put themselves there, I must have been too late cutting them back one year and have had seedlings all through the border every year since then.
The leaves on the Cornus look wonderful. I hope they last for a while like that – and so good with the asters.
Hopefully the leaves will last for a while Hortus, as long as we don’t have gales! I think they go so well with the asters, the dark purple is a good contrast.
Sorry to hear about that young fox. Perhaps poison, natural or human-administered? The Myrtus is very lovely.
I was quite upset when I found the fox Megan, I have a feeling that poison might be the culprit, which is worrying as there are so many cats living near me. The Myrtus has made a lovely small tree and I’m so pleased with it, we saw it while on holiday in Crete and wasn’t sure if it would survive in our climate, it obviously does!
That solidago is lovely Pauline and has quite revived my faith in them! It is also lovely combined together with the sedum. Sorry to hear about the fox cub, it seems quite a mystery.
I was a bit dubious when it was given to me a few years ago Denise, but it has hardly grown at all in the meantime, stayed almost the same size as when it was given to me, I would like it to be bigger then I could split it and make more for further down the border.It was such a shame about the fox, it really was lovely being able to watch them playing so close to the house.
One hour later….I was standing by the back door watching all the blue tits and great tits coming to the feeders in the pouring rain, when suddenly a fox zoomed across the garden from left to right and disappeared into the woodland, lovely to know that the other one has survived.
I love the Hydrangea Ayesha, such a pretty colour. I’m sorry to read about your little fox. They are a problem in this country, being an introduced animal and fierce hunters, but they are beautiful too.
I know that if I kept hens I would think differently about foxes Jane, but was very pleased to find one running across the garden in the afternoon yesterday, so at least one is still alive, thank goodness. I like the H. Ayesha because of its incurved petals, different from other hydrangeas and this ones colour is so much nicer than the rest of the blooms on the bush.
The cornus is especially lovely, Pauline, and I am trying to remember if any of mine colour up like this… Such a shame about the fox cub and the uncertainty of its demise. Have you buried the corpse?
If your cornus is the same variety Cathy, then I’m sure it will change colour the same. I still had one fox running quickly across the garden yesterday afternoon, so one has survived I’m glad to say, although why it was out in the afternoon seems a little strange. No, I didn’t bury the corpse, I never do when I find a body, I move them to behind the hedge and let nature take its course, usually there is nothing left after a couple of days. Its usually birds and shrews that I find, although there have been a couple of squirrels, but this is the first fox.
Oh, how sad about the fox cub, that is such a shame. Lovely images, especially that delightful
It was sad to find the young fox Dina, and a mystery as to how it had died. I have since seen one in the garden so at least the other one is ok for now and hasn’t met the same fate, thank goodness.