Once again it is Foliage Day hosted by Christina and this month there is such a change in the garden and in the hedgerows. Everywhere buds are bursting and we have the delight of new foliage, mainly the lovely fresh green that is such a symbol of spring here in the UK.

Lots of new growth by the pond, the Kingcup, Caltha palustris, has suddenly put up its large leaves.

New growth on Iris sibirica with Arum italicum marmoratum which the birds have kindly planted for me.

The mouse plant, Arisarum proboscideum, has recovered from being overshadowed by the Cotoneaster which died, it is now spreading a bit too far, encroaching on some precious meconopsis, action needed!

While photographing the foliage, I found two of the little mice, I’d forgotten that they flowered this early. Just look at that long tail!

Sticky buds on the Horse Chestnut trees in the garden. I have seen the squirrels peeling these like a banana and eating the flower buds, that must be why we don’t have many conkers!

Lovely fresh foliage on Acer Sango Kaku. The Bay tree behind it needs to come down by half I think, it is shutting out too much light.

Cousin of the Kiwi fruit, Actinidia kolomikta, is showing it’s variegation which will eventually turn pink where it is now white.
Now for some of the coloured foliage in the garden.

The Cardoon is increasing, putting up new shoots away from the main plant, it must be happy at last.

Heucheras are all stirring, time to trim away the old leaves so they don’t detract from the beautiful new ones.

New leaves on the Bergenia are coming through green, but the old leaves on this one turn red/purple in the winter.
This is some of the foliage in the garden which is making it look very springlike at the moment. There are lots of flowers grabbing our attention, but also plenty of foliage which demand that we look at it.
Thanks to Christina at My Hesperides Garden for hosting Foliage Day once more, do pay her a visit to see foliage from around the world.
I thought my acer was breaking leaf early, but perhaps not looking at yours. Love the mouse plant!
Acer Sango Kaku is always the first one to come into leaf here Jessica, the others in the garden are still in tight bud. It is also the first to lose its leaves in the autumn.
I just love that spring lime green foliage Pauline and it contrasts very well with the dark greens of the evergreens or foliage that isn’t new. The Mouse plant is incredible, amazing long tail on the flower and a very dark colour. Thanks for joining in again this month.
It is such a lovely green isn’t it Christina and soon the lanes and hedges will be full of it, as well as the garden.
I can still only see 2 mice, both with super long tails!
The mouse plant was such a delightful surprise, I’ve never seen one before. It’s interesting to see how much further ahead your garden is, magical A. kolomikta is still only just breaking bud and at this stage in my garden is quite vulnerable to frosts. Luckily, it seems to grow through it regardless.
I first read about the mouse plant in one of Beth Chatto’s books Kate and felt it was just what the garden needed quite a number of years ago. I have to be firm with A.kolomikta, otherwise it causes too much shade over one of the dining room windows!
Hi Pauline, Those photos are beautiful! You are far ahead of us here in Massachusetts. It’s fun to see all the is coming up in your garden. Before long, there will be color everywhere! Happy Gardening!
I’m glad you enjoyed the photos Sally, we do live in the SW corner of the ~UK which is quite a bit warmer than the rest of the country. Spring is a wonderful time of year here and yes, soon there will be colour all round the garden.
It’s all coming to life in your garden. That Philadelphus is one of my absolute favourites plants. Mine is just coming into leaf. I did not know squirrels ate the horse chestnut buds!
It is isn’t it Allison, there are more changes every day. I love the Philadelphus at the moment, it shines out like a beacon from the border in the back garden. I’ve watched the squirrels many times, munching away on the Chestnut flower buds, peeling them so daintily!
A mouse plant? How gorgeous is that little flower mouse. I’ve never heard of that but shall look out for it now. Your foliage and buds are gorgeous, especially your acer, mine are just coming out now.xxx
The mouse plant makes good ground cover in the shade Dina and it’s fun too! Acer Sango Kaku is the only one in leaf so far, my others are still in very tight bud, but this is usual for here.
Lovely to see how much is happening in your garden Pauline. I had not actually thought to remove the older leaves on the heucheras but this sounds like a very good idea. With one or two exceptions spring has not arrived here yet. Love the mouse plant, I wonder if it would survive here? Maybe in a sheltered spot!
I’ve looked up the mouse plant in my RHS Encyclopedia Denise,and it just says that it is “frost hardy”. Maybe if it was covered by lots of lovely snow to keep it warm, it might be happy!
Spring is an exciting time in your garden! Your plants are a few weeks ahead of ours and this taste of what’s to come is a delight!
Thanks Peter, new little treasures pop up every day at the moment. The plants make sure that I do my daily walk round the garden, I would hate to miss something!
Oh you have some lovely spring leafiness there Pauline. I just noticed the first leaves on the chestnuts at the top of our lane today but didn’t know that those wretched squirrels are partial to them. You’ve also reminded me about my mouse plant which I’ve not spotted yet so must go in search of it come daylight 🙂
Thank you Anna, in the last few days, everything seems to be bursting forth! Lots more lovely foliage is now on view, but will have to wait until next month.
All your leaves look good enough to eat! The birch catkins are so lovely, too, and nutritious for the birds.
I hadn’t noticed the birch catkins Jason, until I went to photograph the foliage. Being wind pollinated, they aren’t very noticeable, I haven’t ever seen the birds eating them, but yes, I can understand that they would make a tasty snack.
Such an exciting time, isn’t it? I dug out bits of arisarum which I kept finding when I revamped the rockery abd hadnt decided whether to replant them there – but other bits seem to have got there already!
It does like to spread doesn’t it Cathy, I think I will move some to the north facing side of the ditch where I need some ground cover to stop the weeds.
Look at all that spring greenery! I’ve been so focused on our own miserable cold spell I’d forgotten that the rest of the world has moved on to warmer times. Enjoy!
We are lucky with the weather where we live Frank, only occasionally do we have cold and snow like you, thank goodness, and yes, we are enjoying it.
How your post makes me long for a bit of green Pauline! Our snow is gone, but it’s still cool and everything looks drab and brown. Hopefully fresh green foliage is just a few weeks away now.
I’m so glad that your snow has finally gone Jennifer and hope that you soon have nice spring weather to encourage your plants to grow. Once the green starts to show, there will be no stopping it!
Many years ago I lived in England, and there was nothing like the sweetness that came with the end of winter and the beginning of spring. I adore the contrast coloured foliage of the mahonia and the philadelphus.
It is a very special time of year Catmint, when new life is bursting forth everywhere, old friends are appearing in the borders and a new year of gardening delights starts over again.