Weather in December has been variable to say the least. It has also varied in different parts of the country, we down in the south west have escaped the worst of the weather. Other areas have deep snow and temperatures have been down to – 13C, out lowest temperature has been -4C and so far , no snow. In spite of all this, there are still a few flowers in the garden, a few hanging on from autumn but a few are early winter blooms.

The last of the hydrangea flowers, I’m amazed this bush is still forming new flowers in spite of our frosts.

Viburnum bodnantense Dawn has started flowering and will continue all winter as long as the frosts aren’t too severe.

Daffodils aren’t far behind. Thes are Narcissu rijnveld’s Early Sensation which are usually out by Christmas or New Year.

In the corner of the back garden Garrya elliptica is getting ready to show its tassels, it won’t be long before they elongate and open up.

Once again, the ubiquitous Campanula porsharskyana is still flowering, I never seem to be without it.

Under the dining room window, Iris unguicularis Mary Barnard has been opening a couple of flowers most days.

The Chaenomeles by the back door has started opening its buds and will continue all winter until April time, depending on the weather. This makes such a wonderful winter display, looking quite Japanese against the wall.
The snowdrops in the woodland have been flowering for a while now, ridiculously early for some reason. More are pushing through and will join them soon. Maybe next week I will have time to get everywhere ready for them flowering, hopefully I have all my Christmas preparations done now and will have time to spend in the garden once more.
Thanks once again to Carol at May Dreams Garden for hosting GBBD each month, do pay her a visit to see flowers from around the world.
Hi Pauline, it’s nice how we treasure little things so much more at this time of year. Glad you weren’t hit as bad as others with cold and snow. Very mild and rainy here. Not long now and your woodland will start to come into its own, the days will be getting longer. Hope you’re both well – I wish you a merry christmas and all the best for 2018. PS: I’m happy that you can still see the stars and that your grandchildren do not only have the privilege of star gazing during the holidays but that they enjoy it so much!
Every flower is precious at this time of year Annette, there are so few of them. Our weather is still cold or wet, not much change there, but things are stirring already in the woodland. In just a few weeks there will be lots more in flower and I will have to visit that area every day to keep up with everything.
Re stargazing. It seems surreal wrapping up in hats, coats and gloves to lie on a sun lounger in the evening to watch the stars. One night we saw ever so many shooting stars, it was wonderful!
Thinking of you as you approach that first Christmas
Dear diana, thank you so much for thinking of me, I have to admit that I’m not looking forward to the day itself. When asked by my children if I would go to their houses for Christmas, I decided they could come to me so that I can be busy, busy, busy in the kitchen and try not to notice that someone is missing. I’m going through all the preparations but my heart isn’t really in it. Thank you for understanding.
What little gems there are still in your garden Pauline, though I suppose this is the lull before the ‘snowdrop’ storm! Here I’m on enforced garden holiday for a couple of months and just enjoying snow-covered silhouettes in the garden! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and I hope that happy memories will prevail.
Thank you Denise for your kind wishes, I’m sure the children, granchildren and I will be talking about my dear Undergardener a lot over Christmas, he will be with us in spirit.
The woodland is getting ready for its main display, I’m trying to get everywhere mulched, but Christmas preparations intervened, will continue in the New Year.
Hi Pauline,
there are so many beautiful blooms in your garden. Wow, and so many snowdrops already. In my garden the bulbs are also early this year, though not as early as in your garden. My snowdrops have buds so far, but they don´t flower yet. Hopefully they will bloom as beautifully as yours soon. I really like your Chaenomeles – the flowers look very lovely and seeing them at a time were so little blooms in the garden makes them even lovelier.
Enjoy your garden!
Best wishes,
Hi Lisa, thank you for leaving a message. More snowdrops are opening all the time, I’m hoping that I still have some flowering in February when they should normally be out! The Chaenomeles was planted by the previous people that lived here so I don’t know which one it is, but it is so beautiful all winter as long as it isn’t frosty, it brings a smile to my face each time I go in and out of the back door.
Lovely to see your blooms, especially the Iris. A Merry Christmas to you Pauline. I imagine it may be a difficult one for you this year, but hope you find lot of love and joy this holiday season.
Thanks Susie, the iris looks far too delicate to be in flower in the depths of winter, but it seems to like the cold. Not really looking forward to Christmas, but it will be lovely having all the family around.
Snowdrops and daffodil foliage already! Your garden is always full of wonders. I love your woodland garden and the primroses. Please add me to others who are thinking of you this Christmas and wishing you the best under difficult circumstances. I have admired how you continue to garden and blog, when grief can so often take away the simple joys of life.
Dear Deb, thank you so much for your lovely comment, I’m trying to carry on as normal, most days are ok, but some not so good. I can lose myself in the garden, but have to come in when the old back protests too much!
I’ve almost got the woodland and other snowdrop borders ready for their moment of glory, I hadn’t expected them to come so soon.
So many blooms for December! I like the Campanula and Iris especially. How long will your Galanthus show last, given such an early start?
The Iris Jason, is supposed to flower in the winter, so that one’s ok, but the campanula just doesn’t know when to stop! Not all the snowdrops have appeared early, just a few of the specials. There is no sign of the wild ones yet, thank goodness, so maybe the season will be just as long as it usually is, that’s what I’m hoping anyway.
Oh it’s so good to see the return of the snowdrops Pauline 🙂 They do seem on the early side. At least that cold snap has slowed them down slightly. This must be a challenging time of year for you. I’m glad to read that you will have family sharing the day with you. No doubt you will talk about Christmases past and will be able to share some happy memories. I hope that 2018 treats you kindly xxx
Snowdrops are a welcome sight, even if a few of them are really early Anna. Our weather has been quite mild recently and more are poking their heads through, I hope I still have some left by February!
Thank you so much for your kind thoughts, it will be a challenge, but I’m sure we will cope somehow with being one short, 2018 can only be better.