Leaves backlit by sunlight are one of the joys at this time of year. Leaves newly emerged are thankfully not being ripped to shreds by strong winds and gales , everything is peaceful in the garden here at the moment. The leaves that are catching my attention are belonging to my Acer trees. It has taken some of them a long time to emerge, but it was worth the wait.

Lit up by the setting sun is a new Acer, still in its pot, labelled as Acer palmatum Garnet, must plant it soon.

It’s the time of year when I have to re-learn how to spell Matteuccia struthiopteris. Nice backlit by the sun.

Amelanchier lamarckii glowing in the morning sun, the silver birch in the foreground frames the picture.

The hybrid tree in the front garden, an oak crossed with a copper beech, looks wonderful in the morning sun.

Horse Chestnut tree, Aesculus, in the woodland., before the moth has got at it, although I can see a couple of holes.
Wandering round the garden yesterday, there were lots more foliage which grabbed my attention.

Looking lovely at this time of year is the cousin of the Kiwi fruit, Actinidia kolomikta. The pink and white variegation is very pretty, eventually all the white parts turn pink.

Brunnera Jack Frost seedlings that I moved to the Meconopsis bed, are doing really well, brightening up a shady corner.

But in the corner of the gravel area at the back, it makes a nice grouping with the glaucous foliage of the Eucalyptus gunnii. A happy accident is that the trumpets of the narcissus match the colour of the heuchera flowers.

At the other side of the gravel area there is contrast between the Convolvulous cneorum, Chusan palm and Cordyline Torbay Red, all in pots as they don’t like my heavy soil.

My golden Box ginger jar needs cutting back, it’s getting too big! This is early, “they” say to trim box at the beginning of June.

The Cardoon is obviously happy in the border by the field as it is now spreading. I love the foliage of this plant, it contrasts with everything around it.
That is my round up of foliage in the garden this month which I find interesting at the moment. Many thanks must go to Christina at My Hesperides Garden for hosting this meme each month, do please pay her a visit to see other foliage from around the world.
The Acer foliage is gorgeous as it unfurls but it is the Matteuccia struthiopteris that I really love; I’m hoping to find some ferns that might tolerate the heat to plant in the new woodland path borders. Thanks for your GBFD post, you always have some lovely images to share.
The Acers are so beautiful at the moment Christina, it’s not just in the autumn that they stand out in the garden. I love the Matteuccia too, but wish it wouldn’t try to colonise the garden!
An oak crossed with a copper beech? I’ve never heard of that, is it a big tree? It sounds interesting, presumably as it’s a hybrid there are no seeds produced?
Yes Rachel, I must have planted it about 20 yrs ago and have forgotten its name unfortunately. Apparently the hybrid was made to celebrate the marriage of Winston Churchill (the oak) with Clemantine his American bride (the copper beech). The tree forms fruits very like the fruits on a beech tree, but they have never grown in the garden here.
Hi Pauline, You have some really beautiful pictures of the sunlight on your plants. The ones of the fern and hybrid acer are frame worthy. What a fun time of year with so much emerging. There’s a new treat every time we step into the gardens!
Thank you Sally, you’re very kind! It really is a wonderful time of year with so many new surprises each day.
Oak crossed with Copper Beach – very nice! Are the Maidenhead ferns Adiantum? Here we call them Maidenhair. I love watching the ferns unfurl – our Matteuccia are just starting.
Sorry about the error Jason, I have corrected it. Maidenhead is the town where my son lives, I must have been thinking of him!
So nice to see spring coming along in your garden. I just noticed the ostrich fern fronds starting to come up here. They always look so amazing as they unroll and I love watching them come long.
All the different ferns are starting to put up their new fronds Frank, I must get round the garden and clear away all the old fronds so I can see them better. Always something that needs attention!
You have some really lovely combinations Pauline. I particularly like the eucalyptus and the heuchera with matching daffodils! I also refer to the ‘Maidenhead’ fern lol…. maybe because I lived there before I came to Sweden.
Thank you Denise, I like the Heuchera and Eucalyptus too, a bit different from what I normally plant! Fancy you living in Maidenhead once, we are slowly getting to know the area since our son and daughter in law moved near there a short while ago.
Oh those photos backlit by the sun are gorgeous, Pauline – they highlight your emerging foliage so well ☺
Thanks Cathy, I couldn’t resist them in the early morning light, they looked so lovely.
Acer foliage emerging is always a wonder in Spring. Acer Osakazuki is new to me and I think might have to add it to my Acer want list 😉 I assume you already know that the Eucalyptus gunnii can grow to 100ft or more – so are you deliberately pruning it to keep it small?
The Acer foliage is just as good in the spring as in the autumn Julieanne. A. Osakazuki turns a wonderful bright pink/red in the autumn, I can thoroughly recommend it. Yes, the Eucalyptus will be coppiced the same time as my red stemmed cornus and willows, it is the young round foliage that I want, edged with a thin line of red, perfect!
Ah, that explains it. I prefer the older leaves, but I think that’s because it’s what I was used to, a forest of Eucalyptus with a Kookaburra singing 😉
The Box does look a ginger jar – very attractive shape. The Cardoon is so dramatic, yet it still combines with its neighbours. Lovely pics and demo of the joys of backlighting.
Thank you Catmint for your lovely comments, when I saw all the plants backlit by the sun, I just had to run and get the camera.
I did enjoy seeing all your radiant, fresh foliage, especially back lit. Your Acers are just beautiful. Your hybrid oak/copper beech sounds fascinating.xxx
Many thanks Dina, the sunlight shining through the leaves by the kitchen window tempted me out into the garden. I think I have the history of the oak/copper beech correct, I do wish I’d kept the label all those years ago!
Your photographs are beautiful, I can never resist Acers they are so delicate and beautifully coloured. You’ve got many lovely colours and contrasts.
Thank you so much Alison, I agree the Acer leaves seem so delicate. Today though with cold winds blowing, they have stood up well and don’t seem to have suffered, thank goodness.