At last we have had some frost, just a little, but enough to start the leaves changing colour. Some have changed quicker than others, autumn tints are going to last longer than usual this year. It is quite a while since I went into the garden due to the fact that I had my booster vaccination on Monday, waking up on Tuesday I felt absolutely dreadful, gradually getting easier each day, so taking photos this morning was quite a major operation, it was good to get out in the fresh air once more though. Let’s see what I found….
No 1 Miscanthus malepartus

Looking a bit trussed up like the Christmas turkey, but necessary after a storm blew it over a couple of months ago. This miscanthus will soon be a golden fountain whan all its leaves have changed.
No 2 Autumn views

A view that you have seen many a time in the summer, looking a bit different with autumn leaves, looking towards the rockery and woodland.
No 3 Acer Osakazuki

Acer Osakazuki has started changing, but only the underneath leaves, I had to go searching for them!

The leaves on top and seen from the house and garden are still green or khaki, so once again I say, maybe by next weekend!
No 4 Acer Sango Kaku

Acer Sango kaku in the woodland has completely changed from its summer colouring and shows up nicely against the evrgreen background of the bay bush.
No 5 Purple Acer.

I’m growing it in a large pot so am hoping it stays reasonably small. I think it is a variety of Acer palmatum Dissectum purpureum, so should be ok in a pot.
No 6 Clematis Rouge Cardinal.

Climbing on top of the arbour, way above me, I found Clematis Rouge Cardinal. I have been looking after it all summer, thinking I was training the stems where I could see them, up the upright and then along the horizontal at the front. Instead the flowers have come half way back where I can hardly see them, the best place to see them is……….

……from one of the spare bedroom windows! Very late flowering though, I would have thought it would have flowered before this, maybe it did and I just didn’t see it among the honeysuckle and golden hop foliage!
Those are my six for this week, I wonder what next week will bring, maybe Acer Osakazuki will have finished getting changed into her party dress by then!
Thanks as usual to Jon The Propagator for organising us gardeners around the world, do pay him a visit.
Glad to hear you are feeling better now Pauline. Your garden is looking lovely in its Autumn colours, especially the acers are stunning.
Still very weak and wobbly Denise, but a lot better than I was, thank you. I’m enjoying the colours while I’m just sitting and not doing very much at all.
Sorry to hear about your reaction to the booster – the Golfer didn’t respond well either 🙄 Some glorious colour to enjoy in your garden, Pauline!
I’m just getting back to normal today Cathy, it has taken all week. Lots of colour though to keep my spirits up and A. Osakazuki is changing at last, she will appear next Saturday.
What beautiful autumn colour, especially the acers. I had my booster yesterday, my arm sure hurts! Hope you feel better
The Acers are so reliable at this time of year Dina, I always look forward to seeing them, this year I’ve had to wait longer than usual. I hope your arm soon feels ok and you are back to normal! I’m feeling fine now thanks, full of energy to rake up all the leaves that keep falling!x