I’ve been out of action for a while due to muscle problems flaring up again, also having to prepare a slide show for my village WI. When first asked, I was told just to put my photos on a memory stick, little did I know what a problem we would have. After spending hours on it each day for quite a time, we had to admit defeat as the photos just wouldn’t stay in the date order that I wanted. We wizzed up the M5 to our daughter in Bristol and she sorted it all out for me, thank goodness. After that we went away for a few days to Scotland and just got back a couple of days ago. This break was booked the day the undergardener got the” all clear “from the hospital in Exeter after his radio therapy treatment, the holiday was for him and we spent a few days travelling from Inverness each day, twice behind a steam loco and a diesel on the the other day. I can see a couple of posts coming from our trip, but at the moment, our little church is hosting a flower festival which I thought you might like to see, the theme is Hobbies and Pastimes. Other churches were asked to participate and it is amazing the variety of hobbies that are represented. I should have been doing an arrangement but wasn’t back in time, so there isn’t one representing wood carving!
The church looks really beautiful with so many floral displays, I really wish I could have been part of it but decided that the undergardener came first. I did my bit by baking a few cakes which were put in the freezer before we went away and acting as a steward today ! Refreshments were available for the three days of the festival, so everyone from church helped in one way or another, making it all a great success.
I will soon catch up with all your posts, there are so many for me to read!
Oh it’s good to see you post Pauline. I was only thinking yesterday that you were unusually quiet and wondered if everything was ok. Sorry to hear about your muscle problems but oh what an excellent latest bulletin on the Undergardener. You both deserved a holiday. Those flower arrangements are so imaginative and all interpret their respective hobby themes so well. The attention to detail is amazing too e.g. such as that matching bookmark. The inside of the church must have looked stunning.
It is excellent news about the undergardener, thank you Anna, he still hasn’t regained his strength or stamina so we thought just a few days away to see how we both got on, I think he coped better than me!
The inside of the church looked really beautiful with all the gorgeous flowers and smelt absolutely divine!
I can see the passion for each hobby sparkling thru!
We were all amazed at all the different hobbies that all the ladies had Diana. If only we had a bigger church with more windowsills, it would have been even better!
Welcome back Pauline. I enjoyed seeing the arrangements from your church flower festival. Glad your husband is doing well. Hope you heal quickly yourself. And not sure what village WI is but good luck with the slideshow.
WI Susie, stands for Women’s Institute, which are groups of ladies in the countryside meeting once a month, usually with a speaker. The first meeting was in Stoney Creek in Ontario, Canada in 1897. The first one in Britiain was in 1915 in Llanfair PG, a tiny village in Wales, encouraging women to grow their own food and help with the war effort during the first world war. The second world war saw more groups opening, helping everyone to grow fruit and veg, how to make the rations of food that we were allowed, to go further. I know there are groups in other countries, I thought there were some in the USA too. This year is the British centenary and they are getting lots of publicity at the moment. The groups are big into baking, preserves and crafts. This year all our speakers are Inspiring Women, all chosen from our group, so that is supposed to be me this month!
Wow, you have been busy! I have had to put photos on a memory stick before; what a hassle the first time I did it, though it was simple once I learned the secret. I enjoyed seeing all the floral arrangements. I tried to pick out my favorites. It was hard. I loved the paper flowers made by the children. And of course i liked the ones representing gardening and photography.
Deb, it was a nightmare trying to get the memory stick sorted out, the lap top wanted the photos first of all to be in alphabetical order, then it wanted them in numerical order, not in the order that I wanted!
The church looked so beautiful while the arrangements were in place and the perfume was amazing, such a shame that they now have to be taken away. To keep children interested, there were little paper butterflies dotted around, they had to find them all to win a prize.
Hi Pauline – good to hear from you and what excellent news about your husband. Now you both need to take it easy and build up your strength. Those flower arrangements are all so inspiring, and I am amazed at the number of different hobbies that were contributed. Good luck with the WI talk. 🙂
We were certainly ready for our little break Cathy, everything worked out well so we feel we could go for a bit longer next time.
I loved all the flower arrangements, they made the church look so beautiful and the perfume was amazing.
Thanks for your best wishes for the talk, I’ll be glad when it’s over!
Hi Pauline, good to see you back and wonderful news about the Under gardener, it must be such a relief to you. The flowers were all amazing but the one that really caught my eye was the interpretation of lace making, it was perfect. Don’t make looking at all our posts a chore, sometimes you just have to delete all the old emails and start afresh now! It is easier to put images into a power-point than put them onto a stick, we’ve had the same problems when people talk to our little gardens group.
I agree with you Christina, I thought that arrangement for lace making was so beautifully simple and stood out from the others. Monica who did it, has captured the look of lace with the flowers she used.
Our daughter has made it possible for me to do either a power point presentation,basically a slide show, or to use the memory stick, I hope one of the options works first time!
I’m so glad you posted about the Flower Festival so your readers could enjoy it too…it is just the sort of thing I love. People are so creative and it is a real joy to see so many entries and know that established traditons are still valued.
Good luck with your program. I know it will go well. Technology gets the best of all of us sometimes, my husband is always sorting one computer mess or another out for me.
I’m so glad you enjoyed our Flower Festival Marian, it is good that people’s talents can be shown to the public.
My talk went very well, thank you, the lap top behaved and the photos started exactly when they were supposed to, thank goodness! Every one seemed to enjoy the talk and I had lots of lovely comments afterwards, so it was all worth while!