Looking round the garden for new flowering plants since I last posted was quite easy at this time of year, when more plants are opening almost every day. I’m hoping that I’ve found flowers tht haven’t appeared before this year.

The first I came across were the white Muscari or grape hyacinths which are new this year on the rockery.

Bluebells in March…I don’t think that has ever happened here before!

Lovely little Erythroniums are now just starting to flower, the pink and white ones are just a little way behind, they should flower in a few days time.

I was getting a bit worried that Anemone nemerosa Robinsoniana wasn’t flowering, but suddenly, up they popped. I should remember that they always flower later than their white cousins.

My mixed pansies by the back door are just about into their stride now, they should have been flowering all winter, but have only just started.

My cherry tree by the gateway is covered in blossom at the moment and the bees are making the most of it.

Yes, I have shown lots of primroses before, but now they are intermingled with forget me nots, a winning combination.

Vinca Major, spreading at last, it has taken years, but why are the flowers now double, I’m sure they never used to be?

The silver willow leaved pear by the entrance is covered in blossom at the moment.

Bergania Beethoven is flowering by the front door. This has spread a bit so I could take a piece or two for the woodland maybe.

Another tree that is covered in blossom is Amelanchier lamarckii. I love the bronze leaves with the flowers at this time of year.

Cowslip time is almost upon us, I used to have hundreds of them, but they have dwindled over the past few years, I must save seed and sow it for next year.

Arisaema or the mouse tail plant, is in the corner of the back garden. The leaves are taller than the flowers so I had to go searching, I found the flowers eventually, way down hiding in the foliage.

Violets have suddenly popped up everywhere. We have light blue, dark blue, pink and purple varieties, lovely finding them in dark shady corners.

Clematis White Moth is looking pretty on the archway into the woodland.

Euphorbia Robbiae looking good on the slope to the ditch.

Epimedium Amber Queen has started flowering in the woodland, she will flower for a long time, a really good plant.

One of my Honesty seedlings, there are lots more to come, but this is the only one flowering at the moment.

Such a gorgeous blue from Pulmonaria Blue Ensign.

Pulmonaria Sissinghurst White shines out in the woodland.

Pale blue Pulmonaria Opal is different from the others, I like its colouring.

Narcissus Pipit, usually one of my last narcissus to flower, but not this year.

Caltha palustris or the Kingcup, is taking over the pond, a bit of thinning needed after it has finished flowering, maybe into the wet part of the woodland.

One of my favourite views at the moment, looking towards the woodland. Soon we won’t be able to see the houses across the road and will be private once more.
That finiahes my wander round the garden looking for flowers that haven’t appeared on my blog so far this year. As well as loads of flowers, there is so much new foliage making their own contribution to the April garden, some of it just as pretty as the flowers.
What a wonderful month April is!
Yes, that is a lovely view across the woodland. Isn’t April a beautiful month for flowers, with a promise of new things every day and so much more to come throughout the summer. I have just put my house on the market – a good time I hope, with all the colours starting to come out !
Thanks Rosemarie, the weather is so beautiful today, the birds are singing and everything is looking so pretty, what could be better? I had heard that you were on the move once more to the deep south west I believe, hope everything goes ok for you.
Thank you Pauline ! I’ll stay in touch.
Please do, and pop in if and when you are passing!
Beautiful view of your garden Pauline. I love your white and blue Pulmonarias. I keep trying to grow them here but they get crowded out (or interbreed with!) the multi coloured ones.
Nice to hear from you Anne. I too have lots of the wild pulmonaria that seeds everywhere, I’m hoping that my new ones will be better behaved!
All looking well with you.
Thanks Paddy, everything is looking wonderful in the lovely sunshine, but we will get some much needed rain tonight.
A lovely intro to the month of April. I suppose we will catch up but your garden does seem to be far ahead at the moment with Epimediums already flowering. I have Amber Queen too and there are still no signs of buds!
I think the warm spell we had in February brought everything on a bit Cathy, but it is due to cool down again very soon. I think E. Amber Queen is a fantastic plant, I think the best of all my epimediums.
What a lot is happening in your garden Pauline. The view to the woodland looks so inviting! The double Vinca major is lovely. And Amelachier lamarckii, one of my favourites.
The view towards the woodland tempts me out there each day Denise, searching for new flowers. We had some much needed rain overnight, I won’t need to water my new plantings today!
Pauline, it’s a delight to see your charming blooms awakening. Hope you’re doing well.
Thank you Susie, there seems to be no stopping them now, I wish I could press a pause button! I’m doing ok thank you, when things get too much, I like to be busy in the garden, that soon sorts me out.
Goodness, so many lovely plants. I do like the white muscari. Those bluebells are very early! Vinca grows like a weed in my garden, I have to keep pulling it out. I do like that double version.xxx
The white Muscari make a nice change don’t they Dina and the bluebells are so early, the first ones were out just half way through March, I have always thought of them as flowers for May! I’m sure my Vinca was a single flowered version when I planted it, I don’t ever remember it being double before!
Isn’t it an exciting time of year? Such a lovely collection of spring beauties
I agree, this is the best time of year, the whole countryside is waking up as well as the garden, it all looks so beautiful.
April in your garden looks wonderful. I have a special fondness for the Erythroniums.
All the fresh foliage helps to make the garden so springlike Alistair, along with the flowers. The warm spell we had earloer brought everything on, but now we are back to winter weather with torrential rain and hail storms!
Yes, it is a wonderful month, but yours is more wonderful than ours at this moment. Your cherry tree is marvelous, and the Erythronium is so delicate and magical.
I see yours have now started Jason, you will soon catch up. The cherry tree does look lovely at the moment, I just hope we don’t get a gale from the north or all the petals will end up on the floor! All the Erythroniums are flowering now, maybe I ought to do a separate post about them?
Oh what precious April loveliness Pauline 🙂 I’ve made a note of bergenia ‘Beethoven’ and also a note to check on my mouse tail plant tomorrow. I’ve not seen it yet but then perhaps you are bit ahead of us, even though our first bluebells also opened in March which was rather disconcerting.
Thanks Anna, it’s a wonderfully floriferous time of year isn’t it! I’m so used to seeing bluebells in May, that’s when I usually go to our local bluebell wood for my fix of saturated blueness, they really shouldn’t be open so soon should they.
Wonderfulness everywhere, Pauline – Happy Spring! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a double Vinca. How odd… I love the view across the lawn to the woodland! So peaceful and full of hope!
Thanks Anna, Spring is such a beautiful time of year! Some of my vinca flowers are single as they should be, maybe I have a mutation? The peaceful garden scene is full of birdsong at the moment, we seem to have so many birds nesting in the garden and they are all declaring it as their territory.