The woodland is changing, now much more yellow than before, the snowdrops are almost over, but the rockery is waking up and providing quite a bit of colour which I can see from the house. All the dwarf shrubs that I planted last year are waking up and starting to flower, bulbs are coming through, more bulbs are sitting in pots waiting to be planted as I couldn’t remember where any spaces were! No excuse any more, I must get on planting them now that I can see where they can go.

They have increased so well, I’m sure I can move a few to the slope in the woodland and see how they do there.

I have a couple of pots of blue Ipheon uniflorum which never got planted last year, I really must plant them now, poor things!

Wild primroses are starting to flower as well as the primulas, soon they will be open in the woodland too.
Moving through to the woodland.

This photograph is of my seedling Narcissus pseudonarcissus. The very thin leaves are I think, from last years seeds, some thicker leaves from 2 yrs ago and then the single flowers from 3 yrs ago. If all my seedlings end up flowering I will have masses of drifts in three more yrs time!

My last snowdrop to flower, Galanthus Baxendale’s Late, but he isn’t really because he is supposed to flower now.

Scilla siberica in the woodland, always flowers before the ones on the alpine scree, I would have thought it would be the other way round as the ones here are in quite a bit of shade.

Leucojum aestivum are now forming large clumps, some of which I will be able to split this year. This clump is in the drier end of the woodland, at the wetter end, the clumps are twice as tall.

Rusty pheasant is back on duty, all the grassy leaves belong to my snakeshead fritillaries which will soon be flowering, lots of buds already showing.

I’ll end with a long view of the woodland, which has been my favourite place for the last 2 months. It has been such a pleasure working and walking here with the birds and bees for company. I should finish the weeding and mulching today so all my snowdrop, narcissus and fritillary seeds have a lovely seedbed to fall into!
The weather this last week has been wonderful, beautiful sunshine every day, but I don’t think the snowdrops liked the heat, unlike me who was very pleased to be working without my coat! The coming week is going to be much colder though, with the wind from the north, straight from the arctic. Plants and gardeners have to be adaptable, I’m sure we will both cope just fine, but it will be back on with the coat for me!
So many gorgeous blooms. I love all the shades of purple and pink. How wonderful to have daffs growing from
Thanks Dina, the purple and pink make a nice change from the white and yellow! I deadhead all my other daffodils as they are hybrids, but the Narcissus pseudonarcissus seed comes true as they are a species narcissus. It takes them a few years before they flower, but I am getting lots more each time now which is lovely.x
The colours in your garden are wonderful Pauline. All the seedlings coming up must be an indication of happy plants! Cold weather has arrived here again and I think that is what is coming your way…..sorry😊
My plants are certainly happy Denise, their seeds just love all the leafmould I give them! I had a feeling that our impending cold spell had your name on it, very kind of you to share it with us. We in the SW have escaped the worst of the weather so far, my flowers and I hope it stays that way!
Pauline, your garden seems to really be moving along. Glad you have had some nice weather. Hope the next cold won’t last too long. We finally had a warm sunny day!
Susie, I can hardly keep up with it, so much more comes into flower each day. The cold weather has arrived, its back on with the coat if I’m outside! So glad you had a sunny day, it makes so much difference doesn’t it.
How exciting to have spring arrive with such beautiful weather in tow. Daffodils and primula look so much nicer when they (and the gardener) are not dripping wet, and it’s nice to see everything coming along so well. Enjoy!
I’m afraid its all change back again Frank, winter hasn’t finished with us yet, I’ll have to be patient for a bit longer. I agree that the whole garden looks a lot better in the sunshine than in the rain, but the plants don’t seem to mind, they just keep growing and flowering! Yes, I am enjoying it all.
Your late winter is a delight for sure, Pauline, and I‘d love to join you for a tour. Isn‘t it a pleasure to see how everything is waking up each year filling our lives with scent and colour. I wouldn‘t know how to cope without it actually! Wishing you a happy spring time🙌
Lovely to hea from you Annette. Spring is taking a rest for a few days and the weather is more like winter once more, but the flowers are still thinking it is springtime! The garden has been a life saver for me, gardening every day has been quite wonderful with wildlife for company.
It’s always interesting to see what’s coming up in you garden and as you often do you have given me ideas for additions to mine! Your iphion and are lovely splashes of colour to have so early in the season
The Iphion Cathy, are on the alpine scree which is very well drained soil as it has been made by us where the old pond was, just grit and rubbish with a tiny bit of soil. I have tried them elsewhere in the garden but they have soon dwindled away in my heavy clay, even though I have improved it. There are so many lovely colours in the garden at the moment, I have just been to check that not too many branches were brought down in the night, everything seems to have survived well, thank goodness!