Tag Archives: Camassia
Six on Saturday. 27.4.2024
A quick one this week as I’m not at home, will catch up with you all hopefully tomorrow. We are back to cold and rain, today at midday it was only +5C but I have managed to do a bit … Continue reading
Six on Saturday, 27.5.2023.
It is nice to have it confirmed by Chelsea that my garden is the height of fashion, in vogue at the moment, I am “nurturing my wild flowers” so my garden looks “pretty but shaggy” I think that was the … Continue reading
Six on Saturday. 6.5.2023
The weather still doesn’t know what it should be doing so we are being treated to a bit of everything, at least it is getting warmer, except when there is a cold east wind. The flowers keep coming, lovely to … Continue reading
Six on Saturday 28. 05. 2022
I have just had a week where more gardening has been possible as we have had less rain, in fact the last few days haven’t seen any rain at all and the watering can has had to come out again … Continue reading
Six on Saturday 30. 4. 22
Another sunny week has passed but with bitterly cold winds until yesterday when there was hardly any breeze at all, such a change, but still no rain. Hopefully we will have some rain tomorrow so I might get a rest … Continue reading
Last and Firsts for Saturday 8.5.21
At this time of year, early spring flowers are fading and the next wave is getting ready to take over so there are lots of “firsts ” to choose from this time. Lots of buds are just waiting to burst … Continue reading
Braving the Rain in May.
Having almost non stop rain for a month, with a gale or two thrown in, the flowers are still managing to put on a colourful display. The garden is absolutely sodden so there isn’t much that can be done at … Continue reading
May flowers.
At last, we in the UK have had some serious rain and the garden now looks so fresh and green again. My water butts are now full once more, we are on a water meter here and have to pay … Continue reading