Yesterday the ladies from my village WI. came once more for tea, cake and snowdrops. They came in the afternoon this time so that if it had been frosty and the snowdrops had all collapsed, then they would have a chance to perk up. We had a beautifully sunny day the day before, why, oh why didn’t I invite them to come then?! Instead we were walking around in full wet weather gear and wellies as the morning had been very wet. However, we were so lucky, it stopped raining just before they arrived, the sun even came out and opened the crocus for us and it stayed dry all the time they were with me. There were lots of lovely comments and photos were taken on loads of phones, so I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Come with me and see what I was able to show them.

My two old faithfuls, Camellia and the Quince hedge, haven’t let me down, they are still flowering for me, in spite of the frosts that we had a while ago. The original flowers on both turned brown when the temperature dropped below zero, but more buds have opened up, thank goodness.

The second of my old faithfuls, the quince, is the same as the camellia, lots more buds opening since the frosts.

Galanthus Trumps has done really well this year and is increasing nicely, but something is still moving the bulbs around in the border, I have found a couple at least 4 ft away from the main group!

My Salix Mount Asso, behind the Bar-b-que, is covered with gorgeous pink fluffy catkins, they are so soft when stroked. No stroking yesterday, they were soaking wet!

Winter flowering honeysuckle in the woodland has a beautiful perfume, but I had to get close to appreciate it.

Another Camellia, this time in the woodland, the flowers on this one are much smaller than my others and semi double.

Iris unguicularis by the dining room window, is still flowering, but not as many flowers as last year when the ladies came. That year there were 44 flowers open at the same time, I don’t think that will ever be beaten!

I thought I would show you the path down to the bridge to get into the woodland. After all our torrential rain over the past few weeks, the slope was just a mud slide! I had visions of the Women’s Institute ladies sliding down on their rear ends, so had to do something about it. A quick dash to the garden centre and an hour later I had covered it all with large bark chippings, now they were able to grip and not slide. they seemed to manage ok, thank goodness!
I’ll now show a few long shots of the woodland.

Then all the bulbs in the conservatory were admired before we all got down to the serious business of drinking tea/coffee and eating cake!
I was quite shattered by the time all my visitors left, but it had been worth while in that a few of the new members who hadn’t been before now realise that not all snowdrops are the same. I’ve since been told that the new ones didn’t stop talking about snowdrops all the way home in the car, maybe now they will be inspired to grow a few specials themselves! I hope you enjoyed your wander round with us, I was so glad the weather behaved itself for once and I can now put my feet up and have a rest! It was lovely seeing everyone again and I thoroughly enjoyed their visit, just sorry I can’t offer you tea and cake!
I’ve enjoyed your post this morning Pauline almost as much as the ladies from the WI! I’m glad to hear the weather was reasonably well behaved and that no one disappeared at speed down the woodland slope!
Oh Denise, I can’t get rid of a picture in my mind of them all sliding down the slope! Glad you enjoyed your wander with us. Thank goodness the weather stayed fine, so much more enjoyable not to have umbrellas dripping everywhere!
I’m pleased the weather held off for the WI ladies, I know I’d have enjoyed a real walk around your garden even more than I’ve enjoyed the virtual tour:-)
And we would have enjoyed your company Helen, glad you enjoyed your virtual tour.
Sounds like a big success! Glad you managed to fit the garden tour in between rain showers … and inspire some newbies.
I’ve been told it was a success Allison and I thoroughly enjoyed it even though I was shattered by the time they left! Hopefully I have inspired some new members, not just to the beauty of snowdrops but also all the other flowers that can be enjoyed at this time of year.
How lovely to hear that your garden inspired others to continue talking about the plants. Wonderful!
It is nice to inspire new people Rosie, when originally they thought all snowdrops were the same.
What a lovely afternoon you all had, Pauline, despite the morning’s rain. I am amazed you managed to take all those photos though – I either don’t think about it or am too busy answering questions! It’s good to be able to share your treasures, isn’t it? Mt Aso is a stunner, and a real eye-opener for those who haven’t seen one before
We did have a lovely afternoon didn’t we Cathy, but most of the photos were taken the previous day before the rain came. It was lovely having gardening visitors again , it makes me get a move on and get the work done, a good kickstart to the year.
I’m so glad the weather stayed dry for you all. What a wonderful tour, I would have enjoyed that!xxx
We were so lucky with the weather Dina, the rain stopped just in time. Glad you enjoyed wandering with us, sorry I couldn’t give you cake and tea!x