A week gone of May already, a sunny, dry week so that lots of gardening has been done, one day of gentle rain so lots of weeds have been pulled out and I now think I need a rest! There is colour everywhere from the rhododendrons and azaleas, lots of blossom and bulbs for late spring. My six for this Saturday are as follows.
No 1 Wisteria

My wisteria gets better year on year considering that for about 20 yrs I thought it was dead! I’m having to decide if I want it to drape along the front of the garage just under the guttering, must make up my mind before it is time to prune it back! It would look lovely but would it interfere with the door coming up and over?
No 2 Pruning roses

No, don’t worry, this isn’t bad pruning by either me or the gardener, but courtesy of the Roe deer buck that has been visiting my garden recently. He has now found where all my roses are, so I know he has visited a few times now. He must come very early as quite often I am down by 5.30am and getting my first session of gardening done before breakfast!
No 3 Viburnum

Viburnum plicatum Mariesii in the foreground and Viburnum opulous Roseum in the hedge by the field. The snowball bush is very aptly named with snowball sized flower heads which are just starting to open here and change from green to white.
No 4 Lewisias

A selection of Lewisia Cotyledon hybrids which are waiting to be planted on the scree when I get round to inserting some roof tiles which came down in the storms of late February. The tiles will be placed vertically very close together and the Lewisias placed on their sides in between with very gritty soil to give them the good drainage that they require.
No 5 Hostas

Hostas are all up and showing in the garden. Some were being swamped by seedling plants so I have had a good clear out around them all and then applied a mulch. Hopefully now the blackbirds, thrushes and hedgehog can now root around and find any slugs or snails that are lurking in the area!
No 6 Osteospermum

I had placed these pots of Osteospermum out of the way in a sheltered spot for the winter and then forgot about them. All of a sudden I was greeted with all these beautiful flowers, they are telling me that summer is just around the corner!
Thats my six for this week. It is a lovely sunny day so more weeds to tackle and a few plants to move, it never stops! Thanks again to Jon The Propagator for hosting, do pay him a visit to see what else is going on in the gardening world.
Sounds like you are spoilt for choice Pauline, it must have been quite difficult choosing only six! Deer certainly do seem to like young rose leaves and rosebuds. I had the same problem until we got our first dog!
It is difficult at this time of year Denise, so many plants are bursting into bloom! This is the first time in 30 odd years that my roses have been attacked and I know the deer have been here before, but I only know that they’ve been here in winter on the odd occasion when it snows, as I see their tracks all over the garden and even on the front step! Maybe my old dog kept them away in the past, but she died over 10 yrs ago.
Some views I have not seen before, Pauline – thank you. If it was me, I would not train the wisteria across the front of your garage – too much of a risk, even though it’s a nice idea. What a shame about your roses – does it make you feel any different about the deer? I suspect it might depend on the extent and frequency of further munchings…
I had a feeling that might be your response about the Wisteria Cathy, have to think again! No, my chewed roses don’t change how I feel about the wildlife in the garden, it is my own private nature reserve, the buck is still gorgeous, I just hope he doesn’t visit too often and bring his friends with him!
Some lovely plants here. That wisteria is lovely, I do hope you don’t have to cut it back. Your hostas are pristine, as are mine at the moment, here’s to the slugs staying away. Who knew deer ate roses? Struth!xxx
The problem Dina, will be when it produces its long whippy stems, what do I do with them? where do I train them or will it be these that have to be cut off? It would be nice to train them somewhere else.I knew that deer liked roses as I know so many people here that have had the same problem, I suppose I’ve been lucky to escape up till now!x