After a week of rain and sunshine, sometimes quite heavy rain, the plants are shooting up and so are the weeds! Weeding though is a lot easier when the ground is so damp, especially all the docks that seem to seed around everywhere while I’m not looking. It is hard to choose which six to show this week as there is so much choice, but some plants will have posts all to themselves in future weeks, so here are my six for this week….
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Clematis Lasursturn, climbing up the drainpipe has started flowering at last, it seems to have been in bud for a long time.

Still in the Clematis family, C. Etoille Violette is starting to flower up the obelisk by the dead oak, soon it will take off up the oak tree.
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Nectascordum is gently seeding around in the driveway border. It pays not to be too prompt with deadheading as they are now increasing nicely in spite of my clay soil.
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Also flowering in the driveway border is a bearded Iris which was planted many years ago, but then stopped flowering for a number of years. I didn’t really pay much attention to it as it is on heavy clay and just thought that it wasn’t happy. This year however, it decided to flower again!
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Hostas are doing really well at the moment, they seem to grow bigger and bigger every day, this is Hosta June.
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Alliums are now decorating the rockery and the peony bed under the house windows, this is Allium Purple Sensation.
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It is now time for the “meadow” to be started once more, I just have to wait and see what will pop up this year. Already I can see Self Heal forming and the start of the flower stems of the Pig Nut which appeared for the first time last year.It will get better and better as the weeks go by until the grass gets too long and stops the plants flowering, then it will all be cut and turned back into lawn once more.
There we have my six for this week. I think we are going to have a sunny day today so more gardening should get done, hopefully.
Thanks go to Jon The Propagator for hosting once more while he goes running, please pay him a visit to see what is happening in the gardening world.
May is treating you well! Glad you’re able to get the weeding done, I despise pulling dock.
It has been a very mixed month so far Frank, but at least all the rain has made weeding so much easier. Sooooo very satisfying to slide out all the docks, – pure pleasure!
Lovely items. I have a dark iris that didn’t bloom this year and I assumed it had died. Now I wonder if it’s just taking a break. I’ve enjoyed seeing your meadow and have recommended my daughter try it at her new home rather than so much mowing. Have a good week.
Your daughter will be amazed at what pops up Susie, mind you I have never used any weedkiller on mine so mine probably has a wealth of wild flower seed in it, hope she is successful.
Loving that deep blue clematis and Nectascordum, is it also known as honey bells?
Creating the meadow each year is such a wonderful idea!xxx
The garden is flowering as never before Dina, more clematis have started now, along with the roses and alliums. I haven’t heard of the name Honeybells, sorry, but when the Nectascordum flowers have been pollinated, they turn their seedpods upwards and look just like a fairytale castle! x