All change, I had my post prepared yesterday as I was going to be out today and then Storm Eunice had other ideas! I had been watching my trees swaying backwards and forwards and hoping the branches that I could see falling weren’t going to cause any damage, it was a bit worrying when they banged into the windows. Suddenly there was a loud crash and some roof tiles crashed into the conservatory roof, somehow the branches didn’t seem important any more! So my six for this week are of my efforts at tidying up.
No 1

Most of the rest of the glass has now fallen in from this section, it fell on the back of my head as I was sweeping up! No damage to me thank goodness.
No 2

On the opposite side of the conservatory a small piece of tile has shattered the glass but not broken through.
No 3
No 4
No 5
No 6

I think it is 4 ridge tiles that have come off, maybe more, difficult to see, but I have found 4 on the ground in various places.
That is it for my six for this week, it took me two hours to clear up and move everything away from the gaping hole in case it rained, it did!. I had to cover my tender plants as frost was forecast. I have phoned my insurance company and now just have to find a handy man to board over the missing glass to make it all secure once more. Hopefully back to plants next week! Thanks once again to Jon The Propagator for hosting, please pay him a visit to see what else is happening around the world.
It was a fierce storm, hopefully you get fixed up soon.
We are still being battered today, although to a lesser extent thank goodness, hopefully it will soon die down.
We heard about storm Eunice, she certainly took the country by storm! I am sorry to hear you had so much damage and what a mess to clear up. Still you are alright and that is the important thing. Hope you managed to find a handyman. I am sure they are much in demand at the moment.
I think all the handymen are busy at the moment Denise, I’m having to wait my turn in various queues! The weather has quietened down a bit now but still a way to go.I had a very quick peek in the woodland this morning, just to check that there weren’t any large branches down, couldn’t see any thank goodness, just masses of smaller ones, tomorrow will be soon enough for those.
Building damage is the stuff of nightmares, especially if it leaves it more vulnerable to further damage, or leaks. Hope you manage to get it fixed quickly.
It was quite a shock Jim when I heard the noise of the tiles hitting the glass, I knew it would mean problems before seeing the damage.Coming just before the weekend hasn’t helped with contacting tradesmen, but hopefully I will get answers to all my questions on Monday.
Oh Pauline – what an unwelcome and inconsiderate visit from Eunice. You must be somewhat disgruntled ☹️ What a near miss with the glass that fell on the back of your head – it could have been most nasty indeed! You must have been so relieved to find your childrens’ heads undamaged. Good luck with getting any repair work done and don’t be tempted to salvage the pots – starting again is a better option than shredded fingers.
She was inconsiderate wasn’t she Anna! Thank goodness the glass shattered into lots of round pieces when it hit me and not into spiky shards!I definitely think I’ll start again with all my terracotta pans, maybe for winter bulbs next time, just like Monty Dons display.
Ugh. I hope it’s not too much trouble finding someone who will get the job done. What a mess though, glad to hear you have most of it under control and a plan is in place!
I’m all for returning to plants next week, hope the repairs go quickly and perfectly 🙂
I’m hoping that responses to my messages will come tomorrow Frank, just waiting for everyone to get back to me, didn’t help having to try and contact people over the weekend. Yes, hopefully back to 6 plants next week.
I was thinking of you on Friday and was so sorry to hear of this damage – but I suppose it could have been a lot worse…🙄 Thank goodness you were not hurt yourself and your unique sculptures of your children were not broken. With the glass in the pots I would be tempted to empty out the contents and shake the plants free of the glass rather than start again. And the little pieces of toughened glass won’t be sharp anyway…
I can tell you Cathy that the little pieces of glass are sharp, I thought the same as you but found out to my cost that they draw blood quite easily. The wind was still howling around and rattling the tiles tonight and brought a lot more glass down from the broken pane but I will deal with that tomorrow.
Oh dear Pauline, so sorry the storm brought such trouble. Hope you can get the damage fixed soon. The glass must be a particular problem to solve. I did appreciate the change to glimpse the sculptures of your children and am happy they remained safe. Best to you.
It is still very wild out there Susie and the next storm is on its way but I think it will attack the other end of the country this time, hopefully it will have worn itself out by the time it gets to us! My son is glad that his head is still safe but my daughter has never liked hers so I think she would have been rather pleased if Eunice had struck her !! Thanks for your good wishes.
Oh my, what a mess!!! Good to hear you are Ok, you must have been terrified. Here’s to you getting your roof and conservatory fixed asap!xxx
It certainly wasn’t a pleasant experience Dina, but Eunice had a sting in her tail. Just last night, Sunday, the wind was just as bad as earlier, I could hear all the tiles rattling so it was no surprise when I got up this morning to see 5 more ridge tiles right by my front door, from a different ridge! I was eventually phoned by a roofer who is willing to come and fix my roof on Friday which is wonderful and even better he can fix the conservatory too but that will take longer as the panes will have to be specially made to match the rest, but at least he will cover the roof so that it is waterproof once more.I can see light at the end of the tunnel!x