Dare I say it, three days of sunshine and no rain, it is wonderful! I have been gardening without a coat and was almost tempted to remove my jumper and just wear a T shirt but thought no, it is only April after all, it was so warm though. I’m obviously hoping that the grass will get cut on Wednesday when the gardener comes, it is so long now and looks as though it is all a meadow! We have rain forecast for Monday, but after that it should be dry for the next week, I’ll have to get the watering can out for my pots, I’ve been relying on the rain to keep them watered! Time for Six on Saturday………..

Primula Guinivere is looking pretty on the rockery, the dark leaves contrast beautifully with the flowers.

New foliage on Acer Osakazuki contrast nicely with all the tiny red flowers, they are the colour the leaves end up in the autumn.

Also nearly the end of the Camellias for this yeat, this dark red one has a little visitor. Other shrubs are now starting to flower, so maybe next week will be for them.

Just a little extra, this is Tulip Peppermint Stick which I showed you last week, but here, in the really warm sunshine yesterday, they are wide open and look totally different.
I managed to get quite a lot of weeding done yesterday at the top of the garden, the lawn is still very wet but hopefully it will dry out more in todays sunshine. There is so much work to do that hasn’t been done because of all the rain, it will have to be a little and often from now on.
Thanks to Jim at Garden Ruminations for organising us once more, do pay him a visit to see gardens from around the world.
Pulsatillas are new to me, what pretty flowers they are.
Glad you like them Rosie, they come in different colours too!
Anemone pulsatilla always reminds me of my late father, he used to love them and when I look at your close up it’s not hard to see why!
Fingers crossed for more dry weather so you can catch up on the garden jobs.
Glad to bring back happy memories Helen, they are such pretty flowers. I have a couple of different colours, white and burgundy, but as they are so new I don’t think they will flower this year. We have had such lovely sunny days for the past 3 days, lots of work has been done!
N. Pipet is very pretty and if it’s scented then it’s going on my list for next autumn! I My Pulsatilla is way behind yours – such a pretty plant.
N. Pipit is certainly scented, a beautiful perfume Graeme, hope you can find some in the autumn.The pulsatilla has taken a long time to bulk up, but it has been worth the wait. I also have a couple of smaller ones, white and burgundy, but they will have to grow a bit more before they will flower.
N. Pipit are over here. Indeed the Tulips Peppermint stick presented last week are very different this week. At first glance I thought I saw acidenthera flowers ( abyssinian gladioli) upside down but in April I said to myself… Wow!? …..my bad.
I can see what you mean Fred, about the Acidenthera, but I would have to have been standing on my head! They are closed up now so back to being pink once more.
P Guinevere is so lovely with its dark leaves and pale pink flowers. Another one to add to my wish list I think. So glad to hear you have at last had some dry, warm weather. Hopefully you will now be able to catch up on the garden jobs that need doing.
We have had some really gorgeous weather Denise and the lawn has almost dried out! I don’t know about catching up, but at least I’ve made a start.