Six on Saturday. 04/02/2023

I saw my first bee of the year yesterday, it was working through all the flowers on Galanthus Magnet which were open for business. The week has finished with reasonably mild weather for the time of year, but the forecast is that it is going to be colder once more with frost again at night time, I just hope all my flowers can cope! Having just done a post about the woodland and all my winter flowers, I saved 6 of the photos for today, they are as follows…………

No 1.

This is Galanthus Snow Fox. Not bought from Avon Bulbs but from my local garden centre when I was there to buy the bark chippings for the woodland. I had to pass the table where they were and and just had to bring a pot back with me! I just couldn’t resist the lovely inner markings as well as the green mark on the outer petals and this bulb at the front had 2 stems coming from the same bulb!

There are 6 bulbs flowering and I think 4 smaller ones that will flower next year, all for the price of £6.99, a bargain!

No 2.

This is Trumps with his good outer markings and the petals that eventually sweep back like a pagoda.

No 3.

Galanthus Deer Slot has inner markings just like the foorprints of a deer,. I know one paid a visit to my garden when we had our sprinkling of snow and that it walked under the kitchen window along with a rabbit!

No 4.

Galanthus Diggory is so different from the other snowdrops, with its balloon shaped petals and the texture of seersucker, very distinctive.

No 5.

Galanthus Godfrey Owen has 6 outer petals instead of the usual 3. Another distinctive one that can be identified at a distance.

No 6.

And last but not least is G. woronnowii, a species which seeds about beautifully. I have moved some of the bulbs to the rockery and they are starting to seed downhill there too. The leaves are a beautiful deep green, umlike most of the snowdrops which have blue/grey leaves.

Those are my six for this week. More work to do on the rockery to get it ready for visitors, I think I might be in time. Since the woodland has been finished for now, I have been really enjoying wandering round with my morning coffee, seeing how all the bulbs are coming on in the winter sunshine. Thanks go once again to Jim at Garden Ruminations for coordinating everything, do pop over to see what other gardens are showing at the moment.


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12 Responses to Six on Saturday. 04/02/2023

  1. Gill Heavens says:

    Snowdrop heaven! I am very tempted by Diggory. Perhaps if I am passing a garden centre ……. Enjoy your week. 🙂

    • Pauline says:

      Thanks Gill, it’s heaven for me too while the snowdrops are flowering! Examine what your garden centre has, sometimes there are some with nice markings but they are labelled as the wild one, I have found a few nice ones that way.

  2. Jim Stephens says:

    There were a few on sale at our HPS meeting in the week but I’m already getting picky. I reckon you got a bargain from your garden centre with Snow Fox.

  3. Rosie Amber says:

    I love it when the insects return to the garden. First bee eh?

  4. Frank says:

    What I loved most of all is the image of you walking the gardens with your morning coffee. So much fun to have the toughest work accomplished and have the time and weather to enjoy it a bit!
    It seems like the drops have come along quickly now that you had a little warmer weather. The ladies are sure to enjoy their visit this year!

    • Pauline says:

      More snowdrops are opening up each day Frank, but guess what, we are having another cold spell starting with frost tonight, never mind, they will cope! There is so much work still to do on the rockery which the ladies will pass to get to the snowdrops, 10 more days, I think I will be done in time, no more time though for wandering with my coffee!

  5. Denise says:

    Snow fox is lovely Pauline and what a lovely name. Diggory is a lovely shape and Godfrey Owen, well , how unusual. They’re all lovely Pauline. I hope the deer and the rabbit were just there to admire the flowers!

    • Pauline says:

      I think G. Snow fox was an absolute bargain Denise, I’m so pleased with it and it was so much cheaper than one bulb of my usual snowdrop “specials”! I don’t know who was to blame but someone has chewed one of my new Acers down to a stump, was it the deer or was it the rabbit, I think the rabbit is to blame. I have now put a barrier round it and just hope that it will survive!

  6. You have a better class of garden centre near you. You are very lucky. I loved seeing your snowdrops.

    • Pauline says:

      I don’t know about that Catherine, but just think, if I hadn’t been going for wood chips to finish off the path in the woodland, I would have missed a wonderful bargain! Glad you like the snowdrops.

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