Yes, it must be summer because all the roses have started flowering and I’ve never known them to flower in May before! Our warm spell is still continuing, although with rain on and off most days now. The garden certainly needs the rain, the gentle drizzle is just what was needed, but some areas of the country are under water again, with widespread floods.
Under the roses are lots of various Geraniums, which have just started to flower the same time as the roses.
There are still quite a few more roses to open their buds, but I am very happy with the ones that are flowering at the moment. More rain is forecast so the roses will be happy but so will the weeds, must press on and clear the weeds from the rose garden now that they are looking so lovely, no rest for the wicked!
What a gorgeous variety of roses you have!
Thank you Jeanette, all my singles are nearly out, but not quite, these are all David Austin roses.
This is a lovely selection of roses, beautifully captured. I am away from home and now want to get back to see what mine are doing!
Thanks Jeanette. I never want to be away from the garden for very long, too much is happening at this time of year!
David Austin roses really are so beautiful and you have a lovely selection Pauline. I admit to buying an additional 12 roses from the UK this spring!
They are such a lovely rose Denise all chosen as they have a beautiful perfume. 12 more rose bushes, wow, that is an investment!
Your roses are gorgeous and I can imagine the olfactory delight that goes along with them.
Thank you Peter, I too think they are lovely, and yes, they were all chosen for their perfume. After all, what is a rose that doesn’t have a nice perfume?
Sorry for the late comment – there are just not enough hours in the day at the moment and I’m struggling to read my favourite blogs let alone comment 🙂 Oh isn’t ‘Shropshire Lad’ a fine handsome fellow? Do you find that roses are more scented when the sun is shining on them Pauline?
Shropshire Lad is certainly a fine upstanding young man Anna, I think he could be my favourite! I think the heat has an effect on the oils, and that is maybe why roses smell more beautiful in the sunshine, not sure though.