Colour in the garden.

Looking round the garden at the moment, it is very colourful in most of my borders. Thinking about it, most of the colour is coming from bulbs, tubers, corms etc as well as perennials. I’m thinking Iris, hemercallis, crocosmia etc. I’ll start with hemerocallis as they are providing most of the different colours at the moment.

Next come the crocosmias, the first is Lucifer,

and the second is Paul’s Best Yellow, others will soon be flowering.

Iris flowering at the moment are in the bog garden, Iris ensata, they like really moist soil.

A new dahlia for my sunset border, I think the colours are just right.

I’ll finish with a couple of long views and my baby robin!

Baby robin was hoping to be fed by one of its parents, it was rather peeved when they decided it was quite capable of feeding itself!

Baby robin kept looking for its parents but in the end decided to come to the feeders and feed itself.

I’m enjoying the garden at the moment, but still haven’t caught up with all the weeds, are your gardens all spick and span and tidy with all the time that we have had or are you like me, still trying to catch up?!

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12 Responses to Colour in the garden.

  1. Anna K says:

    Still trying to catch up… isn’t everyone? Thank heavens for corms, bulbs and tubers – I have a lot of them too, some doing better than others. Moved one of my daylilies last year. It did fine then, but is struggling this year. Not enough light, I’m guessing. You have a lot of wonderful blooms, but my favorites are the shots of the baby bird. Great photos, Pauline!

    • Pauline says:

      I thought I would have caught up by now Anna, having so much time spent self isolating and having nothing else to do but gardening! Some of the daylilies have now formed sizeable clumps so provide colour for quite some time. Glad you like the photos of the baby robin, when it gets a bit older it will get the red breast of the adult, for now though it is speckled all over.

      • Denise says:

        You have an impressive range of hemerocallis Pauline, just lovely. I can’t say I am weed-free here, not by a long shot and the recent strong winds have blown over many of the tall flowers. The baby robin is so beautiful.

        • Pauline says:

          Thanks Denise, they do make lots of lovely colour don’t they! Yes, I too had to go round propping plants up after the last gales, the wind can be rather a nuisance.

  2. snowbird says:

    I’m still playing catch up! I don’t think I ever will though. Oh what utter beauties you have, just love all the colours. Baby robin is adorable, I’m glad it decided to feed

    • Pauline says:

      The weeds are winning the race with me Dina, although hopefully I will win in the end! The garden would be a lot less bright without all the bulbs, corms, tubers etc, they are wonderful giving so much colour at this time of year.I agree, the baby robin is lovely, the parents knew it was quite capable of feeding itself, mother knows best!

  3. Rachel Silber says:

    My garden is actually better for the time of year than ever before, due to both more input from me and “under-gardener“ and the weather providing ideal conditions. However I’m never satisfied! Weeds are going crazy now! I love all your Hemerocallis.

    • Pauline says:

      Lovely to hear from you Rachel and to hear that your garden is doing so well, due to all your hard work.Weeds will always be with us, its a never ending job isn’t it! So glad you like the hemerocallis, they are so colourful.

  4. Denise says:

    I seem to have posted my reply in the wrong place🤔😊

    • Pauline says:

      Not to worry Denise, the email arrived ok, but not on the blog, maybe it will turn up later? I have replied to it on the blog, will just have to wait and see what happens!

  5. Cathy says:

    How lovely to have reliable crocosmia and hemerocallis – such great colour at this time of year. Sadly they no longer thrive here … Great series of photos of the baby robin

    • Pauline says:

      Along with the hydrangeas and hardy fuchsias Cathy, the crocosmia and hemerocallis make sure that July is a very colourful month! Baby robin could almost have a post to itself, I’m taking so many photos of it. Yesterday it was under my feet as I was moving some iris further back in the bog garden, work takes twice as long with him/her getting in the way and yes, we do talk to each other!

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