I woke to a very misty morning and just had to hope that the sun would come out as promised and burn the mist away. It was still dull while we had our coffee and cake, but then suddenly the sun came out and we quickly rushed outside to see the snowdrops and friends. It is amazing how much warmth there is in the sun in February, the birds were singing, the snowdrops opened their petals and the bees were buzzing round us as each snowdrop was examined and photographed. So, come along with me and see what my visitors saw this morning.

The first “specials” they came to was Trumps. I have to admit it is a lovely snowdrop, just wish it had a different name!

Next was the border by the archway into the woodland, Robin Hood was a great favourite and so many photos were taken of him, he is the one at the front of my photo.

The only Winter Aconite that I have, it never seems to seed around, but I keep hoping. It has a coiple of visitors enjoying the sunshine.

In the woodland the sunshine certainly showed off the snowdrops, we were quite warm, no need for coats.

Joseph’s new bark chipping path was admired along with all his work mulching everywhere round the snowdrops with the leaf mould, he worked so hard to make it all look nice, it did look lovely and tidy.

Just popped up yesterday, Scilla sibirica is showing it’s gorgeous blue colour, hard to miss even though it is so tiny at the moment.

The flowers on the slope at the end of the woodland caused quite a few comments. Deer Slot had to be explained that the markings were like the footprint of the deer that visit my garden, then Wendys Gold and Diggory came in for a lot of favourable comment.

Moving round to the far side of the woodland, they all liked Trymlet which does stand out as being different. also Jack in the Green caused comment as we have all been there for a meal!

G. woronowii is spreading nicely, the flower stalk elongates, then arches over and deposits the seedpod on the ground. after a few years a new clump is flowering about 1 ft away. Any that arch into the path are moved to the rockery where they are now increasing.

Early Narcissus, Leucojum aestivus, the summer snowflake at the front and lots of Cardamine quinquifolia. I told them all the life cycle of the Orange Tip Butterfly, so now they understand why I grow this plant.

Back across the lawn to the house, crocus are now popping up, but so far only a crescent shape and not the circle I planted. I think the squirrels have dug the others up even though I popped a chilli flake on top of each bulb!

Back by the house, Iris unguicularis is flowering its socks off! I have never had so many flowers on it before, I think it must be thanks to the heat last summer!

Another Iris, this time iris reticulata , I think maybe Gordon, a paler blue than Edward that I showed you the other day.

On the rockery is Leucojum vernum, the spring snowflake, only small , the same size as a wild snowdrop, but different flower formation, more like a Tiffany lampshade.

I moved Spindlestone Surprise last year to the rockery as it was being invaded by Trumps in the other border where we started, I think it has settled in nicely and approves of the move.
There we are, back at the house once more, I’m sorry I couldn’t give you coffee and cake, but I hope you have enjoyed your wander round with us. It was lovely hearing so many lovely comments about the snowdrops and other flowers, it makes it all worth while. The wild single snowdrops had just about opened so some areas are now looking very white which is how I would like everywhere to look, maybe I’ll get there after a few more years splitting!
I waited till mid morning to read your post Pauline and then sat down with my coffee and cake to do the tour! What good timing for the sun to appear as the tour started (didn’t happen here lol). Your snow drops are just wonderful and I love the carpet of cardamine. I hope mine will spread as much. I am sure the village ladies loved it all. Thank you for the tour!
So glad you managed the coffee and cake with my post Denise and didn’t miss out! So glad you enjoyed your wander with us, the ladies from WI enjoyed it all and say they’ll be back next year!
I am so glad it went well for you Pauline, even if your crocus were not fully out! Your specials have all grown into lovely clumps – most of mine are still fairly small groups but, interestingly, the 3 or 4 varieties I trialled first have expanded well so hopefully mine will spread more quickly as they settle even more into their new home. How many were visitors did you entertain, Pauline? It must be a lovely annual treat for them, and on their doorstep too!
Crocus are fully out now Cathy, hosting all the bees that are visiting! I find that snowdrop bulbs take a couple of years to settle in once more when moved or split, that’s why I don’t do many each year. It was just our local Womens Institute, of which I am a member, that came for their coffee and cake. The president was originally of the opinion that all snowdrops are the same but she soon realised what all the excitement was about and has booked them all in for a repeat visit next year!
Goodness, what a lovely picture you painted with your words and beautiful photos. Your guests must have loved the tour. Bees already? Goodness.xxx
Thank you so much Dina, glad you enjoyed wandering round with us. My visitors did enjoy it and have told me that they will be back next year. Yes, the bees are very busy each day, visiting all the flowers that are open for business!x