It seems very strange to be writing about rhododendrons in June when the sun is blazing down outside, it should have been a post to write in May when the weather was cooler, so if I don’t write it now, I will have missed my chance. All my rhodos are now flowering, but I think they will be wilting in this heat, so won’t flower for very long unfortunately.

Rhododendron yakushimanum which I did plant, I can remember doing it! this one is a smaller variety.

I also planted this one but I’m afraid I’ve forgotten its name though, before I started my blog! Lovely flowers.

This one is in the back garden in the bed in front of the woodland, now draped with Clematis montana.

Rhododendron Fantastica near the woodland, the flowers start out very pink but fade to white over a few weeks.

At the side of the back garden is this one which is spreading sideways. The flowers start out more lilac coloured and then fade to almost white.
I can say that the flowers are easily a month late, the cold spell in April must have held them back. At the moment I have rhodos out in the shady borders and at the same time my roses are flowering in my sunny borders, the garden is certainly very colourful. The hot spell is coming to an end in a couple of days time, my rhododendrons and I will both be saying, thank goodness, at least they are in the shade!
They are beautiful Pauline and absolutely deserve a post of their own. Weatherwise, it has indeed been a strange spring/early Summer. I think the plants don’t quite know what to make of it lol.
I’m glad you think so Denise, it was a question of now or never as they were wilting in the heat! We have thunderstorms forecast for tomorrow coming up from Spain, we need the rain and I’m sure it will make the plants very happy.
I hope your blooms make it through the heat and you can enjoy them for some time afterwards! We had similar weather where the heat pushed them and then quickly wilted them, but in the mountains they’re still showing nicely, so it’s just a short drive away to see them again 😉
You have a nice selection. Here they struggle to get established since I’m such a terrible person to keep them watered. I won’t mention how many I’ve grown as biennials!
Our weather has been very strange this spring Frank, not usual at all, hopefully our summer will be more as it should be. I do most of my planting in the autumn so that I don’t have to remember to water and by the next spring they seem to be ok.
Yes, they seemed to have a shorter season here because of the heat. Yours were looking good when you photographed them
They didn’t last as long as usual though Cathy, the heat put paid to that! Just a few are still flowering, the rest are finished for this year.
What a wonderful selection of rhoddies, they don’t suit my garden but what a show they make.
There were a few here when we moved here many years ago Chloris, and I have just added a few, they obviouly like the soil!
You have so many lovely rhodos. My favourite is the first one. I hope they
The heat made most of them very droopy Dina and then the non stop rain yesterday brought the petals tumbling down! They were nice while they lasted, hopefully next year they will last longer.x