It is very hard in the month of June to limit the number of flowers to 10, but I will give it a go.
Best of all at the moment are the roses, they are flowering as never before and for the first time ever I have cut some for the house, but only because there are so many on Rosa Shropshire Lad. I felt the garden could spare them!

Shropshire Lad with Alchemilla mollis.

As you can see, there are planty left for me to enjoy outside too.

Another rose that is flowering its socks off is Rosa Lancastriense, planted when I first moved here to remind me of home in the North West.

Rosa Bonica has just started flowering, she is later than the others but soon makes up for her lateness.

Rosa Mulligani has just opened its flowers, this one climbs up to the top of the dead oak in the centre of the garden.

Mdme Alfred Carrierre is supposed to be up and over the pergola, but she has decided to take a left turn and climb into the apple tree.

Clematis viticella Belle Etoile is also climbing up into the dead oak.

Another Belle Etoile, this time a Philadelphus. I threatened it with the chop because in the past it has under performed, this year though it is amazing, it has had a reprieve!

In the back garden by the steps onto the lawn, it is a vision of blue at the moment. Gerenium magnificum is joined by Campanula poscharskyarna which is spreading everywhere, but it looks so pretty!

Rosa Wedding Day is climbing up an ash tree in the back garden, but I think this will deserve a post of its own some day soon.

In the front garden this campanula has turned up, nothing to do with me, it appeared all by itself and I think it can stay as I rather like it.

Phlomis fruticosa has made a large sized shrub in the side border by the field. I like this plant as ladybirds overwinter in the seedheads, in the hollows left by the petals.

Double feverfew has spread around the garden, a very usefull plant to improve any combination of flowers.

Hydrrangeas are starting to flower, soon they will all get into their stride and provide colour all summer.

Rosa glauca is looking lovely at the moment. The leaves are just as important as the flowers, they go so well together.

In the shadier parts of the garden, heucheras and heucherellas are starting to flower. They certainly brighten up all my shady spots.
This is my offering for June, 10 different varieties of plants, but there quite a few more providing the supporting cast, June really is a wonderful month.
I am joining this post with Chloris at The Blooming Garden, do pay her a visit to see what else is blooming in our gardens.
Thank you for joining in with your June blooms Pauline. Of course roses have to top the list, they do seem to be particularly good this year. I have quite a few David Austin roses, but not Shropshire Lad isn’t it a beauty? I also need to find Clematis Belle Etoile, such a lovely colour. Recently I saw a Rose glauca which had been cut to the ground in Spring, it had enormous leaves.
The roses reall are amazing this year Chloris, they make the garden so colourful at the moment and the perfume is quite divine as I wander round for my early morning walk. I think you would like Shropshire Lad, I thoroughly recommend it! I’ve never been brave enough to cut my Rosa glauca right down, I like it so much the height it is.
I love the combination of Shropshire Lad and Alchemilla. I must admit that I do always try and make a bouquet of David Austin roses for the house…even when there are not that many!
Glad you like it Denise, I just couldn’t resist cutting them this time, I have to admit though that I prefer them in the garden!
Truly you are rich in roses! And I love that Campanula. I would grow it if I had a place for it. I suppose it wants full sun.
I agree Jason, very rich indeed! The Campanula will grow anywhere and everywhere. I have it in full sun, also in the woodland and in many of my really shady places, it seems happy everywhere, but be warned, it spreads!
Lots of lovely roses, Pauline, and that fase at the start is gorgeous! Sadly there is still an issue with some of the pictures and I can’t see all of them…
Thanks Cathy. I’ve found that when I go onto other blogs and the pictures aren’t showing, by scrolling back after I’ve finished reading it, the pictures have usually appeared, some just take a while to come through. I can assure you that they are all at this end.
You have so many stunning roses Pauline, you are tempting me to cut a few for the house now. I too love the campanula that seeds itself about, it pops up all over the garden in tall blues and whites. Your double feverfew is just
With a record numbers of flowers produced this year Dina, I was able to spare a few, even though I prefer them growing outside. The Campanula family is a wonderful family, so many different varieties and quite a few have just appeared in my garden, which they are very welcome to do.x