Category Archives: foliage
Looking back at April.
While on my morning wander, I couldn’t help but notice all the different shades of green that are in the garden and the countyside at the moment. In spite of not having any rain during April until yesterday and today, … Continue reading
The garden is getting into Party Mode.
Trees and shrubs are starting to change into their party clothes before finishing for the year. Colours are emerging so much earlier than they usually do, a good month ahead of the last few years. Some trees and shrubs though … Continue reading
Foliage for June 2017.
The garden here is usually predominantly green, but the weather has been so very hot over the last week, leaves have been falling off trees, making the garden look more like autumn. The temperatures have reached to well over 30C, … Continue reading
Fresh February Foliage.
Once again it is the 22nd of the month and time for Foliage Day hosted by Christina. Things are stirring in the garden apart from all the lovely little bulbs that are flowering at the moment. The foliage on shrubs … Continue reading
A mixed bag for June.
This post is mainly an update on various recent posts, starting with our family of Great Spotted Woodpeckers. It didn’t take long for the youngster to learn how to feed from the peanut feeder, now there is no stopping him/her, … Continue reading
New Growth Everywhere.
April is such a wonderful time of year with new growth bursting forth everywhere. Trees are beginning to look green once more and everything in the garden is waking up and showing new leaves. Even evergreens are showing new growth … Continue reading
New foliage for Garden Bloggers Foliage Day.
While looking round for interesting foliage this month, it seemed as though the garden was static, at least in the foliage department, as it seemed very similar to last month. Even though we’ve had some sunny days, we have also … Continue reading
Hope springs eternal. GBFD February.
Once again it is time to be looking round the garden for any foliage which takes the eye. Everywhere there are signs of new life, leaves pushing upwards from the soil and leaves sprouting forth from bare branches. The leaves … Continue reading
Raindrops on roses.
At long last it is raining! The garden and I are very happy because we have had at least a month without a drop of rain. We have more rain promised for tonight, the garden will be very pleased and … Continue reading
New shoots everywhere!
All the new shoots bursting out all over the garden are the subject of this month’s Garden Bloggers Foliage Day hosted by Christina at My Hesperides Garden. Everywhere I look, there are wonderful new leaves to grab my attention, so … Continue reading